The Whitley Lecturer is invited to write and deliver a lecture as a significant contribution to Baptist thought. It was relaunched in 1996 and has published a lecture each year since, apart from 2004. The lecture is given at various locations during the year and always at the Baptist Assembly. Current and recent lectures can be purchased via the Baptist Union or Regent's Park College publications.
Original Series. Prior to 1996.
1951 - H. H. Rowley - The Unity of the Bible
1952 - L. H. Marshall - Rivals of the Christian Faith
1954 - Hugh Martin - Puritanism and Richard Baxter
1958 - Ernest A. Payne, The Baptist Union. A Short History
1959 - George R. Beasley-Murray, Baptism in the New Testament
1960 - Douglas Stewart, The Ark of God
1961 - Arthur B. Crabtree, The Restored Relationship
1962 - J. B. Skemp, The Greeks and the Gospel
1963 - Stephen F. Winward, The Reformation of Our Worship
1964 - G. Henton Davies - King David
1966 - Glanmor Williams - The Reformation and Church History
1967 - Barrington R. White, The English Separatist Tradition
1974 - Geoffrey W. Rusling, Baptists and Education, 1800-1850
1976 - Gordon Martin, Eschatology in the Fathers
1977 — Michael H. Taylor
1980 - Paul S. Fiddes, The Creative Suffering of God
New Series
1997 Nigel Wright Power and Discipleship: Towards a Baptist Theology of the State
1998 Ruth Gouldbourne Reinventing the Wheel: Women and Ministry in English Baptist Life
1999 Keith Jones A Shared Meal and a Common Table: Some Reflections on the Lord's Supper and Baptists
2000 Anne Dunkley Seen and Heard: Reflections on Children and Baptist tradition
2001 Steve Finamore Violence, the Bible and the End of the World
2002 Nicholas Wood Confessing Christ in a Plural World
2003 Stephen Holmes Tradition and Renewal in Baptist Life
2005 Andrew Rollinson Liberating Ecclesiology: Setting the church free to live out its missionary nature
2006 Kate Coleman Being Human: A Black British Christian Human's Perpsective
2007 Sean Winter More Light and Truth? Biblical Interpretation in Covenantal Perpsective
2008 Craig Gardiner How Shall We Sing the Lord's Song? Worship in and out of the church
2009 Sally Nelson A Thousand Crucifixions: The materialist subversion of the church?
2010 David Southall The Poetic Paul: On Creating New Realities for Righteousness in Romans
2011 Anne Clements Wrestling with a Word: A Women Reads Scripture
2012 Ian Randall Religious Liberty in Europe and the Middle East: Campaigning by British Baptists
2013 Michael Peat Answering Mendel's Dwarf: Thinking Theologically about Human Genetic Selection
2014 Helen Dare Always on the Way and in the Fray: Reading the Bible as Baptists
2015 Ed Kaneen What is Biblical 'Ministry'?
2016 Joshua Searle Post-Soviet Baptists After the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity and Freedom, 2013-14
2017 Richard Pollard The Pioneering Evangelicalism of Dan Taylor
2018 Helen Paynter Dead and Buried?
2019 Joe Kapolyo Theology and Culture: an African Perspective
2020 Robert Parkinson Finding a Friend: The Baptist Encounter with Judaism
2021 David McLachlan Does This Cross Have Disabled Access? Re-Thinking Theologies of Atonement and Disability
2022 Andy Goodliff The Ruling Christ and the Witnessing Church: Towards a Baptist Political Theology
2023 Linda Hopkins Learning from Young People’s Experiences of Communion: Re-envisioning the Meal as a Space for Nurturing Faith
2024 Tim Judson Dark Weep and Light Sleeping: Whiteness as a Doctrine of De-Formation
2025 Seidel Abel Boanerges Holistic Apologetics: Apologetics Re-Imagined for the 21st Century
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