Scottish Journal of Theology (1948-)
International Journal of Systematic Theology (1999-) (Reformed)
Modern Theology (1984-)
Ecclesiology (2004-)
Theology Today (1944-)
Journal of Theological Studies
Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics
New Blackfriars (Roman Catholic)
Political Theology (1999-)
Pro Ecclesia (1993-) (Catholic and Evangelical)
International Journal of Public Theology (2007-)
International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church
Anvil (Evangelical and Anglican)
Practical Theology (formerly Contact) (2008-)
Reviews in Religion and Theology
Journal of Reformed Theology (2007-)
Perspectives in Religious Studies (Baylor, 1974-; Baptist)
Review and Expositor (Baptist)
Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology (1947-)
Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology
Neue Zeitschrift fur Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie (1959-)
Radical Orthodoxy (2012-)
Cultural Encounters (2005-)
Dialog (Lutheran)
Pacifica: Australasian Theological Studies
Theology and Sexuality (1994-)
Journal of Theological Interpretation (2007-)
Journal of Religion, Disability and Health (1994-)