Karl Barth 1962 published as Evangelical Theology(1962)
John McIntyre 1965 published as The Shape of Christology (1966)
Jurgen Moltmann 1979 published as The Trinity and the Kingdom of God (SCM, 1980. 1981 [ET])
Thomas Torrance 1981 published as The Trinitarian Faith (T & T Clark, 1988)
Lesslie Newbigin 1984 published as Foolishness to the Greeks (SPCK, 1986)
Letty Russell 1986 published as Household of Freedom: Authority in Feminist Theology
John de Gruchy 1990 published as Liberating Reforming Theology (Eerdmans, 1991)
Michael Welker 1991 published as Creation and Reality: Theological and Biblical Perspectives
Colin Gunton 1993 published as A Brief Theology of Revelation (T & T Clark, 1995)
B. A Gerrish 1994 published as Saving and Secular Faith (1999)
Christina Baxter 1996
Gerhard Sauter 2000 published as Protestant Thoelogy at the Crossroads (Eerdmans, 2007)
James Torrance 2001
James Gustafson 2002 published as An Examined Faith (2004)
John Polkinghorne 2003
Eberhard Busch 2004 published as The Barmen Theses Then and Now (Eerdmans, 2010)
Marilyn McCord Adams 2005 published as Christ and Horrors: The Coherence of Christology (Cambridge, 2007)
Kathryn Tanner 2007 published as Christ as Key (Cambridge, 2009)
David Fergusson 2009 “The Theology of Providence: Historical, Dogmatic, and Pastoral Perspectives”
Randall C. Zachman 2009
David Kelsey 2011 “The Glory, the Kingdom, and the Power: Stammering about God”
Jennifer Herdt 2013
Sarah Coakley 2015
J. Kameron Carter 2016
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