PhD Durham 1996: How the Church performs Jesus' story : improvising on the theological ethics of Stanley Hauerwas.
Dean of Duke Chapel and Research Professor of Christian Ethics, Duke University (2005-2012)
Vicar, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London (2012-)
Transforming Fate into Destiny: The Theological Ethics of Stanley Hauerwas (Paternoser, 1998)
'The Disarming Virtue of Stanley Hauerwas', Scottish Journal of Theology 52.1 (1999), 82-8
'Stanley Hauerwas' Theological Ethics in Eschatological Perspective', Scottish Journal of Theology 53.4 (2000), 431-48
'Introduction to the Essays' and 'No Abiding Inner City: A New Deal for the Church' in Mark Thiessen Nation and Samuel Wells, Faithfulness and Fortitude: In Conversation with the Theological Ethics of Stanley Hauerwas (T & T Clark, 2000)
'Generation, Degeneration, Regeneration: The Theological Architecture and Horticulture of a Deprived Housing Estate', Political Theology 3.2 (2002), 238-44
'How Common Worship Forms Local Character', Studies in Christian Ethics 15.1 (2002), 66-74
Community-Led Estate Regeneration and the Local Church (Grove Booklets, 2003)
'How Seventeenth-century Evensong Forms Twenty-first-century Character: An Evocation', Journal of Anglican Studies 2.2 (October 2004)
Improvisation: The Drama of Christian Ethics (Brazos / SPCK, 2004)
(ed.) with Stanley Hauerwas, The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics (Blackwell, 2004, 2011)
God's Companions: Reimagining Christian Ethics (Blackwell, 2006)
'"For Such a Time as This": Esther and the Practices of Improvisation' in Randi Rashkover & C. C. Pecknold (eds.), Liturgy, Time and the Politics of Redemption (SCM, 2006), pp.167-187
with Craig Kocher, 'Say Something Spiritual: Speaking the Truth in a Culture Committed to Diversity', Journal of College & Character 7.8 (October 2006)
Power and Passion: Six Characters in Search of Resurrection (Zondervan, 2007)
'Improvisation in the Theatre as a Model for Christian Ethics' in Trevor Hart and Steven R. Guthrie (ed.), Faithful Performances: Enacting Christian Tradition (Ashgate, 2007)
Speaking the Truth: Preaching in a Pluralistic Culture (Abingdon, 2008)
with Stanley Hauerwas, 'An Apostle with Reservations: On Judas and the Vocation of Christian Ethics' in Stephen Burns and Natalie Watson (eds.), Exchanges of Grace: Essays in Honour of Ann Loades (SCM, 2008), pp.35-45
'The Drama of Liturgy and the Liturgy of Drama', Performance Research 13.3 (2008), pp.176-183
(ed.) with Sarah Coakley, Praying for England: Priestly Presence in Contemporary Culture (T & T Clark, 2008)
(ed.) with Ben Quash, Introducing Christian Ethics (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010)
'The Nature and Destiny of Serious Theology' in Richard Harries and Stephen Platten (eds.), Reinhold Niebuhr and Contemporary Politics: God and Power (Oxford, 2010)
with Marcia A. Owen, Living Without Enemies: Being Present in the Midst of Violence (IVP, 2011)
What Anglicans Believe: An Introduction (Canterbury, 2011)
Be Not Afraid: Facing Fear with Faith (Brazos, 2011)
Learning to Dream Again (Canterbury, 2013)
Esther (Brazos, 2013)
Crafting Prayers for Public Worship (Canterbury, 2014)
'The Difference Christ Makes' in Charles Collier (ed.), The Difference Christ Makes: Celebrating the Life, Work and Friendship of Stanley Hauerwas (Cascade, 2015)
The Nazareth Manifesto (Wiley, 2015)
How Then Shall we Live? Christian Engagement with Contemporary Issues (Canterbury, 2016)
Hanging by a Thread: Questions of the Cross (Canterbury, 2016)
'Places of Encounter: Hanging Out where God Shows Up' in Academic Vocation in the Church and Academy Today (Ashgate, 2016)
Incarnational Ministry (Canterbury, 2017)
For Good: The Church and the Future of Welfare (Canterbury, 2017)
Incarnational Mission (Canterbury, 2018)
Speaking the Truth (2nd Ed.; Canterbury, 2018)
Walk Humbly (Canterbury, 2019)
Face to Face: Meeting Christ in Friend and Stranger (Canterbury, 2019)
A Future Bigger than the Past (Canterbury, 2019)
The Heart of it All: The Bible's Big Picture (Canterbury, 2019)
Humbler Faith, Bigger God (Canterbury, 2022)
'Theology and Peacebuilding' in The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Religion and Violence (Wiley-Blackwell, 2022)
The Moment of Truth: Reflections on Incarnation and Resurrection (Canterbury, 2023)
How to Preach (Canterbury, 2023)