A selected timeline of important contributions to the pistis christou debate since 1983.
Richard B. Hays, The Faith of Jesus Christ: The Narrative Substructure of
Galatians 3.1-4.11 (Scholars Press, 1983)
Sam K. Williams, 'Again Pistis Christou', Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49 (1987), 431-447
Richard B. Hays “’The Righteous One’ as Eschatological Deliverer: Hermeneutics at the
Turn of the Ages,” in J. Marcus and M. L. Soards (eds.), The
New Testament and Apocalyptic. JSOT Press, 1988. Pp. 191-215.
David M. Hay, 'Pistis as the Ground of Faith', Journal of Biblical
Literature 108 (1989), 461-476
Stanley K. Stowers, 'Ek pisteous and dia tns pisteous in Romans 3.30', Journal of Biblical Literature 108 (1989), 665-674
Morna D. Hooker, 'Pistis Christou', New Testament Studies 35 (1989), 165-184
(presented at SBL 1991): Richard B. Hays, “PISTIS and Pauline Christology: What Is at Stake?” in E. E. Johnson and D. M. Hay (eds.), Pauline Theology, Volume 4: Looking Back, Pressing On. Scholars, 1997. Pp. 35-60.
(presented at SBL 1991): James D. G. Dunn, 'Once More, Pistis Chrisou' in E. E. Johnson and D. M. Hay (eds.), Pauline Theology, Volume 4: Looking Back, Pressing On. Scholars, 1997. Pp. 61-81.
Douglas A. Campbell, The
Rhetoric of Righteousness in Romans 3:21-26 (JSOT Press, 1992)
Douglas A. Campbell, 'The Meaning of PISTIS and NOMOS in Paul: A Linguistic and Structural Investigation'. Journal of Biblical Literature 111 (1992) 85-97.
Bruce W. Longenecker, 'PISTIS in Romans 3.25: Neglected Evidence for the 'Faithfulness of Christ', New Testament Studies 39 (1993), 478-480
Douglas A. Campbell, ‘Rom. 1:17 – A Crux Interpretum for the Pistis Christou
debate’. Journal of Biblical Literature 113 (1994) 265-85.
Brian J. Dodd, 'Romans 1.17: A Crux Interpretum for the Pistis Christou Debate?', Journal of Biblical Literature 114 (1995), 470-473
Douglas A. Campbell, 'False Presuppositions in the PISTIS CHRISTOU Debate (A Response to
Brian Dodd)', Journal of Biblical Literature 116
(1997) 713-719.
Charles E. B. Cranfield, 'On the Pistis Christou Question' in On Romans and Other New Testament Essays (T & T Clark, 1998), 81-97
Barry Matlock, ‘Detheologizing the pistis Christou Debate: Cautionary Remarks from a
Lexical Semantic Perspective’, Novum Testamentum 42 (2000), pp.
Richard B. Hays The Faith of Jesus Christ: The Narrative
Substructure of Galatians 3.1-4.11. 2nd Ed. (Eerdmans, 2002)
Barry Matlock, ‘The Arrow and the Web: Critical Reflections on a Narrative Approach to Paul’, in B. Longenecker (ed.), Narrative Dynamics in Paul: A Critical Assessment (Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 2002).
Barry Matlock, ‘Even the Demons Believe’: Paul and pistis Christou’, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 64 (2002), pp. 300-18.
Barry Matlock, ‘Pistis in Galatians 3.26: Neglected Evidence for ‘Faith in Christ’?’,
New Testament Studies 49 (2003), pp. 433-39.
Francis Watson, Paul and the Hermeneutics of Faith (T & T Clark,2004)
Douglas A. Campbell, The
Quest for Paul's Gospel: A Suggested Strategy, (T & T
Clark, 2005)
Barry Matlock, “The Rhetoric of pistis in Paul: Galatians 2.16, 3.22, Romans
3.22, and Philippians 3.9,” Journal for the Study of the New
Testament 30 (2007), pp. 173-203.
Francis Watson, Paul, Judaism and the Gentiles: Beyond the New Perspective. Rev. and Exp. Ed. (Eerdmans, 20070
James D. G. Dunn, 'Ek Pisteos: A Key to the Meaning of PISTIS CHRISTOU' in J. R. Wagner et al (eds.), The Word Leaps the Gap: Essays on Scripture and Theology in Honour of Richard B. Hays (Eerdmans, 2008), pp.351-366
Douglas A. Campbell, The
Deliverance of God: An Apocalyptic Rereading of Justification in Paul
(Eerdmans, 2009)
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