Regius Professor of Moral & Pastoral Theology, Oxford (1982-2006)
Professor of Christian Ethics & Practical Theology, Edinburgh (2006-)
past President of the Society for the Study of Christian Ethics
General Editor of Oxford Studies in Theological Ethics
Payton Lectures, Fuller Theological Seminary (1989)
Paddock Lectures, General Theological Seminary, New York (1990)
Hulsean Lectures, Cambridge (1994) which were published as The Desire of the Nations
Fellow of the British Academy since 2000
Stob Lectures (2001) which were published as Common Objects of Love
Scottish Journal of Theology Lectures, Aberdeen (2002) which were published as Just War Revisited
Westminster Abbey Gore Lecture (2002)
Bampton Lectures (US, 2003) which were published as The Ways of Judgement
Major Works
The Problem of Self-Love in Saint Augustine (1979)
Begotten or Made? (1984)
Resurrection and Moral Order: An Outline of Evangelical Ethics (1986, 2nd ed. 1994)
On the Thirty-Nine Articles (1986)
Peace and Certainty (1989)
The Desire of the Nations: Resdiscovering the Roots of Political Theology (1996)
Common Objects of Love: moral Reflection and the Shaping of Community (2002)
Just War Revisited (2003)
with Joan Lockwood O'Donovan, Bonds of Imperfection: Christian Politics, Past and Present (2004)
The Ways of Judgment (2005)