Martyn Percy is an Anglican Priest and theology who writes in the areas of practical theology, modern ecclesiology and Christianity and contemporary culture. He has written extensively on Vineyard, the Toronto Blessing and Alpha.
PhD King's College London
Chaplin and Director of Theology and Religious Studies, Christ's College, Cambridge
Director of the Lincoln Theological Institute for the Study of Religion and Society, Sheffield (1997-2004)
Principal, Ripon College, Cuddesdon (2004-)
Visiting Professor of Theological Education, King's College London
Major Works
‘How to Win Congregations and Influence Them: The Anatomy of the Church Growth Movement’ in J. Astley & D. Day (eds.), Contours of Christian Education (McCrimmon,1992), pp.177-193.
'Power and Fundamentalism', Journal of Contemporary Religion 10.3 (1995), pp.273-282
Words, Wonders and Power: Understanding Contemporary Christian Fundamentalism and Revivialism (SPCK, 1996)
'Review Article: The Post-Evangelical', Journal of Contemporary Religion 11.3 (1996), pp.357-60.
'A Price on Your Head: Responding to the Turnbull Report', Reviews in Religion and Theology 3.2 (1996), pp.17-21
(ed.) Intimate Affiars: Spiritualtiy and Sexuality in Perspective (DLT, 1997)
'"Join-the-dots" Christianity', Reviews in Religion and Theology 4.3 (1997), pp.14-18
'Something for the weekend, sir? Leisure, ecstasy and identity in football and contemporary religion', Journal of Leisure Studies 16.1 (1997)
'Falling out of love: The ordination of women and recent Anglo-American Anglican schisms explored', Journal of Contemporary Religion 12.1 (1997), pp.35-49.
'Sweet Rapture: Subliminal Eroticism in Contemporary Charismatic Worship', Journal of Theology and Sexuality 6: 71-106 (1997)
'City on a Beach: neo-Pentecostalism at the turn of the millennium' in T. Walter & S. Hunt, Charismatic Christianity: Sociological Perspectives (Macmillian, 1997)
Power and the Church: Ecclesiology in an Age of Transition (Cassell, 1997)
'The Case for Inclusion wonders why the churches are seeking exemption from the Human Rights Bill', Reviews in Religion and Theology 5.2 (1998), pp.57-64.
'The Morphology of Pilgrimage in the Toronto Blessing'. Religion 28.3 (1998), pp281-9.
'Label or Libel' in Sociology, Theology and the Cirriculum, Leslie Francis (ed.) (Cassell, 1999)
'Confirming in the Rumour of God: Why Every Church Needs a Sociologist' in M. Percy & A. Walker (eds.), Restoring the Image: Essays in Honour of David Martin (Sheffield Academic Press, 2000)
'The Sacred Canopy: Time and Religion at the Greenwich Millennium Dome' in M. Percy (ed.), Calling Time: Religion and Change at the Turn of the Millennium (Sheffield Academic Press, 2000)
'A Theology of Change for the church' in M. Percy & G. Evans (eds.), Managing the Church? Order and Organization in a Secular Age (Sheffield Academic Press, 2000)
'The Church in the Market Place: Advertising and Religion in a Secular Age', Journal of Contemporary Religion 15.1 (2000), pp.97-119.
The Salt of the Earth: Religious Resilience in a Secular Age (Sheffield Academic Press, 2001)
'Fundamentalism: The End of Terms?' in M. Percy & I. Jones (eds.), Fundamentalism, Church and Society (SPCK, 2002)
'A Place at High Table? Assessing the Future of Charismatic Christianity' in Predicting Religion: Christian, Secular and Alternative Futures, Grace Davie, Linda Woodhead & Paul Heelas (eds.) (Ashgate, 2003)
'Mind the Gap: Generational Change and its Implications for Mission' in P .Avis (ed.), Public Faith? The State of religious belief and practice in Britain (SPCK, 2003)
'Saving the Roman Catholic Church?', Conversations in Religion and Theology 1.1 (2003), pp.79-95
'Joking Apart: Exploring Comedy and Irony in Anglican Polity', Ecclesiology 1.1 (2004), pp.75-87.
'The Priest-Like Task: Funding the Ministry of the Church of England' in M. Percy (ed.) The Character of Wisdom: Essays in Honour of Wesley Carr (Ashgate, 2004)
'Losing Our Space, Finding Our Place? The Changing Identity of the English Parish Church' in S. Coleman & P. Collins, Religion, Identity and Change: Perspectives on Global Transformations (Ashgate, 2004)
'Can church leaders learn to be leaders again?' in C. Handy et al (eds.), Creative Church Leadership (Canterbury, 2004)
'Economics and Social Justice' in G. Jones (ed.), The Blackwell companion to Modern Theology (Blackwell, 2004)
'Adventure and Atrophy in a Charismatic Movement: Returning to the "Toronto Blessing"', Journal of Contemporary Religion 20.1 (2005), pp.71-90.
'A Blessed Rage for Order: Exploring the Rise of "Reform" in the Church of England', Journal of Anglican Studies 3 (2005), pp.33-51.
Engaging with Contemporary Culture: Christianity, Theology and the Concrete Church (Ashgate, 2005)
Clergy: The Origin of Species (2006)
'Paradox and Peruasion: Alternative Perspectives on Liberal and Conservative Church Growth' in M. Percy & I. Markham (eds.), Why Liberal Churches Are Growing? (Continnum, 2006)
'Old tricks for new dogs? A critique of fresh expressions' in L. Nelstrop & M. Percy (eds.), Evaluating Fresh Expressions (Canterbury, 2008)
'“Fresh Expressions”: A Journey into Implicit Theology', Implicit Religion 12.3 (2009)
'Baptism as Cultural Conversation: Explorations in Implicit Theology' in John Reader and Christopher Baker (eds), Entering the new theological space: blurred encounters of faith, politics and community (Ashgate, 2009 )
'Falling Far Short' in Richard Harries and Stephen Platten (eds.), Reinhold Niebuhr and Contemporary Politics (Oxford, 2010)
Shaping the Church: The Promise of Implicit Theology (Ashgate, 2010)
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