Doctorate in Theology, University of Athens (1965)
Lecturer in Christian Doctrine, University of Edinburgh (1970-1973)
Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Glasgow (1973-1987)
Metropolitan of Pergamon (1986-) and former Visiting Professor of Theology, King's College London ((1986-1998)
Selected Major Works
Human Capacity and Human Incapacity. A Theological Exploration of Personhood', Scottish Journal of Theology 28 (1975), 401-448
Being As Communion: Studies in Personhood and the Church (St. Vladimir's Press, 1985)
'Preserving God's creation: three lectures on theology and ecology', King's Theological Review 12-13 (1989-1990)
'On Being a Person: towards an Ontology of Personhood' in Persons, Divine and Human, eds. Christoph Schwoebel and Colin Gunton (T & T Clark, 1991), pp. 33-46
'The Doctrine of God the Trinity Today: Suggestions for an Ecumenical Study', The Forgotten Trinity (BCC, 1991)
'The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity: The Significance of the Cappadocian Contribution' in Trinitarian Theology Today, ed. Christoph Schwoebel (T & T Clark, 1995), pp.44-60
'Man, the Priest of Creation' in Andrew Walker and Costa Carras (eds.), Living Orthodoxy in the modern world: Orthodox Christianity & society (St. Vladimir's Press, 1996)
Eucharist, Bishop, Church: The Unity of the Church in the Divine Eucharist and the Bishop During the First Three Centuries (Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001)
Communion and Otherness: Further Studies in Personhood and the Church (edited by Paul McPartlan, T & T Clark, 2006)
'Priest of Creation' in R. J. Berry (ed.), Environmental stewardship: critical perspectives, past and present (Continuum, 2006)
Lectures in Christian Dogmatics (edited by Douglas Knight, T & T Clark, 2008)
The Eucharistic Communion and the World (edited by Luke Ben Tallon, T & T Clark, 2011
Remembering the Future: An Eschatological Ontology (T & T Clark, 2012)
Secondary Works
Paul MacPartlan, The Eucharist Makes the Church: Henri de Lubac and John Zizioulas in Dialogue (T & T Clark, 1993)
Alan Torrance, Persons in Communion (T & T Clark, 1996)
Miroslav Volf, After Our Likeness: The Church as the Image of the Trinity (Eerdmans, 1998)
Douglas Knight, 'John Zizioulas on the Eschatology of the Person' in The Future as God's Gift, eds. David Fergusson and Marcel Sarot (T & T Clark, 2000), pp.189-197
Ralph De Colle, '"Person" and "Being" in John Zizioulas' Trinitarian Theology: Conversations with Thomas Torrance nd Thomas Aquinas', Scottish Journal of Theology 54.1 (2001)
Patricia A. Fox, God As Commuion: John Zizioulas, Elizabeth Johnson, and the Retrival of the Symbol of the Triune God (Liturgical Press, 2001)
Paul M. Collins, Trinitarian Theology: West and East: Karl Barth, the Cappadocian Fathers and John Zizioulas (Oxford University Press, 2001)
Lucian Turcescu, '"Person" versus "Individual", and Other Modern Misreadings of Gregory of Nyssa', Modern Theology, 18.4 (2002) 527-539
Edward Russell, 'Reconsidering Relational Anthropology: A Critical Assessment of John Zizioulas' Theological Anthropology', International Journal of Systematic Theology 5 (2003)
Aristotle Papanikolaou, 'Divine Energies or Divine Personhood: Vladimir Loosky and John Zizioulas on conceiving the transcendent and immanent God', Modern Theology 19.3 (2003) 357-385
Aristotle Papanikolaou, 'Is John Zizioulas an Existentialist in Disguise?' Response to Lucian Turcescu', Modern Theology 20 (2004) 601-607
Elizabeth T. Groppe, 'Creation Ex Nihilo and Ex Amore: Ontological Freedom in the Theologies of John Zizioulas and Catherine Mowry LaCugna', Modern Theology, 21.3 (2005) 463-496
Douglas Farrow, 'Person and Nature: A Critique of the Necessity-Freedom Dialectic in John Zizioulas' in The Person of Christ, eds. Murray Rae and Stephen Holmes (T & T Clark, 2005), pp.87-104
Paul Cumin, 'Looking for Personal Space in the Theology of John Zizioulas', International Journal of Systematic Theology 8.4 (2006)
Douglas Knight (ed.), The Theology of John Zizioulas: Personhood and Church (Ashgate, 2007)
Tom McCall, 'Holy love and divine aseity in the theology of John Zizioulas', Scottish Journal of Theology 61 (2008)
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