DD Cambridge
Maurice B. Reckitt Teaching Fellow in Christian Social and Political Thought, Lancaster
Reader in Philosophical Theology, Cambridge
Francis Ball Professor of Philosophical Theology, Virgina
Professor of Religion, Politics and Ethics, Nottingham (2004-)
Director of The Centre of Theology and Philosophy
Major Works
'The Second Difference: For a trinitarianism without reserve', Modern Theology 2.3 (April 1986)Theology and Social Theory: Beyond Secular Reason (Blackwell, 1990, 2nd Rev. Ed. 2006)
'The End of Dialogue' in Gavin D'Costa (ed.), Christian Uniqueness Reconsidered: The Myth of a Pluralistic Theology of Religions (Orbis, 1990)
'Postmodern Critical Augustinianism: A Short Summa in Forty Two Responses to Unasked Questions', Modern Theology 7.3 (April 1991)
'The Name of Jesus: Incarnation, Atonement, Ecclesiology', Modern Theology 7.4 (July 1991)
'Encalves, or Where is the Church?', New Blackfriars 73 (June 1992)
'Out of the Greenhouse', New Blackfriars 74 (January 1993)
'Can a gift be given? Prolegomena to a future trinitarian metaphysic', Modern Theology 11.1 (January 1995)
'Only Theology Overcomes Metaphysics', New Blackfriars 76 (July 1995)
'Can Morality be Christian?', Studies in Christian Ethics 8 (1995)
'Stories of Sacrifice', Modern Theology 12.1 (January 1996)
'Socialism of the Gift, Socialism by Grace', New Blackfriars 77 (December 1996)
The Word Made Strange: Theology, Language and Culture (Blackwell, 1997)
'The Midwinter Sacrifice: a Sequel To 'Can Morality Be Christian?', Studies in Christian Ethics 10 (January 1997)
(ed.) with Catherine Pickstock and Graham Ward, Radical Orthodoxy: A New Theology (Routledge, 1999)
'Intensities', Modern Theology 15.4 (October 1999)
with Catherine Pickstock, Truth in Aquinas (Routledge, 2001)
'Christ the Exception', New Blackfriars 82 (November 2001)
Being Reconciled: Ontology and Pardon (Routledge, 2003)
with Graham Ward and Edith Wyschogrod, Theological Perspectives on God and Beauty (T & T Clark, 2003)
'The Gift of Ruling: Secularization and Political Authority', New Blackfriars 85 (March 2004)
The Suspended Middle: Henri de Lubac and and the Debate concerning the Supernatural (Eerdmans, 2005)
(ed.) with Creston Davis and Slavoj Zizek, Theology and the Political: The New Debate (Duke University Press, 2005)
"Alternative Protestantism: Radical Orthodoxy and the Reformed Tradition", found in James K. A. Smith (ed.), Radical Orthodoxy and the Reformed Tradition: Creation, Covenant, And Participation, (Brazos, 2005)
Scholasticism, Modernism and Modernity', Modern Theology 22.4 (October 2006)
'Stale Expressions: the Management-Shaped Church', Studies in Christian Ethics (April 2008)
with Slavoj Zizek, The Monstrosity of Christ: Paradox or Dialetic?, edited by Creston Davis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2009)
The Future of Love: Essays in Political Theology (SCM, 2009)
(ed.) with Simon Oliver, The Radical Orthodoxy Reader (Routledge, 2009)
'Review Article: A Closer walk on the Wild Side: Some Comments on Charles Taylor's A Secular Age', Studies in Christian Ethics 22 (February 2009)
'The New Divide: Romantic Versus Classical Orthodoxy', Modern Theology 26.1 (January 2010)
with Slavoj Zizek and Creston Davis, Paul's New Moment: Continential Philosophy and the Future of Christian Theology (Brazos, 2010)
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