Selected Publications on Pauline Theology
'Epistemology at the Turn of the Ages: 2 Corinthians 5.16' in W. R. Farmer (ed.), Christian History and Interpretation: Studies Presented to John Knox (Cambridge, 1967)
'Apocalyptic Antinomies in Paul's Letter to the Galatians', New Testament Studies 31 (1985), 410-424
'A Law Observant Mission to Gentiles: The Background of Galatians', Scottish Journal of Theology 38 (1985), 307-324
'Paul and his Jewish-Christian Interpreter's' USQR 42 (1988)
'The Covenants of Hagar and Sarah' in J. T. Carroll et al (eds.), Faith and History: Essays in Honor of Paul W. Meyer (Scholars Press, 1990)
'Events in Galatia: Modified Covenantal Nomism versus God's Invasion of the Cosmos in the Singular Gospel: A Response to J. D. G. Dunn and B. R. Gaventa' in J. Bassler (ed.), Pauline Theology: Volume 1 (1991)
'Covenant, Christ and Church in Galatians' in A. J. Malherbe and W. A. Meeks (eds.), The Future of Christology: Essays in Honor of Leander E. Keck (Augsburg Fortress, 1993)
'Christ, the Elements of the Cosmos, and the Law in Galatians' in L. M. White and O. L. Yarbourgh (eds.), The Social World of the First Christians: Essays in Honor of Wayne A. Meeks (Augsburg Fortress, 1995)
'The Crucial Event in the History of the Law (Gal 5.14)' in E. H. Lovering, Jr. and J. L. Sumney (eds.), Theological and Ethics in Paul and his Modern Interpreters: Essays in Honor of Victor Paul Furnish (Abingdon, 1996)
'Paul's Understanding of the Textual Contradiction Between Habakkuk 2.4 and Leviticus 18.5' in C. A. Evans and S. Talmon (eds.), From Tradition to Interpretation: Studies in Biblical Intertextuality in Honor of James A. Sanders (Brill, 1997)
'A Formula for Communal Discord as a Clue to the Nature of Pastoral Guidance' in A. Brown, G. F. Snyder and V. Wiles (eds.), Putting Body and Soul Together: Essays in Honor of Robin Scroggs (Trinity, 1997)
Galatians. A new translation with introduction and commentary. AB 33A (Doubleday, 1997)
Theological Issues in the Letters of Paul (T & T Clark, 1997)
'The Apocalyptic Gospel in Galatians', Interpretation 54.3 (July 2000)
'World without End or Twice-Invaded World?' in Shaking Heaven and Earth: Essays in Honor of Walter Brueggemman and Charles B. Cousar (WJK, 2005)
'Epilogue: An Essay in Pauline Meta-Ethics' in John Barclay and Simon Gathercole (eds.), Divine and Human Agency in Paul and his Cultural Environment (T & T Clark, 2006)
'Article Review: Francis Watson, Paul and the Hermeneutics of Faith', Scottish Journal of Theology 59.4 (2006), 427-438
'The Gospel Invades Philosophy' in Douglas Harink (ed.), Paul, Philosophy and the Theopolitical Vision (Cascade, 2010)
'A Personal Word About Ernest Kasemann' in Joshua B. Davis and Douglas Harink (eds.), Apocalyptic and the Future of Theology: With and Beyond J. Louis Martyn (Cascade, 2012)
'Afterword: The Human Moral Drama' in Beverly Gaventa (ed.), Apocalyptic Paul: Cosmos and Anthropos in Romans 5-8 (Baylor, 2013)
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