1988 Duncan Forrester - Beliefs, Values and Policies: conviction politics in a secular age
1989 Colin Morris
1993 Colin Brown - The Question of Miracles and the Quest of the Historical Jesus.
1994 John Macquarrie - Heidegger and Christianity
1995 George Newlands
1996 David Brown
1997 James Barr - History and Ideology in the Old Testament: Biblical Studies at the End of a Millennium
1998 Alan Torrance - 'The Christ of History and the open society'
1999 Alasdair Heron - 'The unorthodox Karl Barth'
2000 Bryan Spinks - 'Sacraments, Ceremonies and the Stuart Divines. Sacramental theology and liturgy in England and Scotland, 1603-1662'
2002 Brian Hebblethwaite - 'A Natural Theology of Historical Revelation'
2005 Sarah Coakley - 'Flesh and blood: Eucharist, desire, and fragmentation'
2006 Christopher Rowland/Jane Shaw - ''The impact of prophecy'
2008 Keith Ward - 'Christianity and the history of the universe'
2009 John Riches
2011 Timothy Gorringe 'Faith and fiction: the history painter as apologist' published as Earthly Visions: Theology and the Challenge of Art (Yale, 2011)
2014 William Whyte 'Experiencing the Victorian Church'
2016 Sarah Foot 'Inspired by God: Bede and the Writing of History'
2018 Diarmaid MacCulloch 'Thomas Cromwell: Enterprising Reformation'
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