Professor of Systematic Theology, Aberdeen (1990-2000)
Professor of Divinity, Edinburgh (2000-)
President of the Society for the Study of Theology (2000-2002)
Cunningham Lectures (Edinburgh, 1996), Bampton Lectures (Oxford, 2001), Warfield Lectures (Princeton, 2008), Gifford Lectures (Glasgow, 2008)
Major Works
Scottish Philosophical Theology (Imprint Academic Press, 2007)
'Beyond Theologies of Resentment: An Appreciation of Jeffery Stout's Democracy and Tradition', SJT 59: 183-197 (2006)
Church, State and Civil Society. The 2001 Bampton Lectures (CUP, 2004)
'Barth's Resurrection of the Dead: further reflections', SJT 56: 65-72 (2003)
John Macmurray: Critical Perspectives (Peter Lang, 2002), co-edited with Nigel Dower
Bultmann (Outstanding Christian Thinkers) (Continuum, 2000)
The Future as God's Gift: Explorations in Christian Eschatology (T&T Clark, 2000), co-edited with Marcel Sarot
The Cosmos and the Creator: Introduction to the Theology of Creation (SPCK, 1998)
Community, Liberalism and Christian Ethics (CUP, 1998)
'Eschatology' in The Cambridge Companion to Christian Doctrine, (ed.) Colin Gunton (CUP, 1997)
Christ, Church and Society: Essays on John Baillie and Donald Baillie (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1993, reissued in 2004)
Faith and Critics (Oxford, 2009)
(ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Nineteenth-Century Theology (Blackwell, 2010)
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