1976-1991, Lecturer, later Senior Lecturer, University of Birmingham
1991-2014, Regius Professor of Divinity, University of Cambridge
Co-founder, Society for Scriptural Reasoning (Jewish, Christian, and Muslim academic philosophers, text scholars and theologians from Africa, America, Asia and Europe) (1996- )
Founding Director, Cambridge Inter-faith Programme (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) in the Centre for Advanced Religious and Theological Studies.
Scottish Journal of Theology Lectures, 1998
Major Publications
Barth and God's Story: Biblical Narrative and the Theological Method of Karl Barth in the Church Dogmatics (Verlag Peter Lang, 1981)
Jubilate. Theology in Praise, with Daniel W. Hardy (DLT, 1984, 2005)
with Frances Young, Meaning and Truth in 2 Corinthians (SPCK, 1987)
The Modern Theologians - An Introduction to Christian Theology since 1918 (Blackwell, 1989, 1997, 2005)
A Long Rumour of Wisdom: Redescribing Theology. Inaugural Lecture as Regius Professor (Cambridge, 1992)
(ed.) with Dennis L. Stamps, Essentials of Christian Community (T & T Clark, 1996)
The Shape of Living (Fount/Harper Collins, 1997)
Self and Salvation: Being Transformed (Cambridge Studies in Christian Doctrine Series, Cambridge, 1999)
Theology: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford 1998, 2000)
(ed.) with Mike Higton, Jesus: an Oxford Reader (Oxford, 2002)
(ed.) with Graham Stanton, Reading Texts, Seeking Wisdom (SCM, 2003)
(ed.) with Ben Quash and Janet Martin Soskice, Fields of Faith: Theology and Religious Studies in the Twenty-First Century (Cambridge, 2005)
(ed.) with Chad C. Pecknold, The Promise of Scriptural Reasoning (Blackwell, 2006)
Shaping Theology (Challenges in Contemporary Theology series; Blackwell, 2007)
Christian Wisdom. Desiring God and Learning in Love (Cambridge Studies in Christian Doctrine series; Cambridge 2007)
The Future of Christian Theology (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011)
(ed.) with Frances Clemson, Interreligious Reading after Vatican II (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013)
The Drama of Living: Becoming Wise in the Spirit (Canterbury, 2014)
(ed.) with Deborah Hardy Ford and Ian Randall, A Kind of Upside-Downness: Learning Disabilities and Transformational Community (Jessica Kingsley, 2020)
The Gospel of John: A Theological Commentary (Baker, 2021)
'Barth's Interpretation of the Bible' in S. W. Sykes (ed.), Karl Barth: Studies in His Theological Methods (Oxford, 1980)
'Tragedy and Atonement' in Kenneth Surin (ed.), Christ, Ethics and Tragedy: Essays in Honour of Donald MacKinnon (Cambridge, 1989)
'Faith in the Cities: Corinth and the Modern Cities' in Colin E. Gunton and Daniel W. Hardy, On Being the Church: Essays on the Christian Community (T & T Clark, 1989)
'System, Story, Performance: A Proposal about the Role of Narrative in Christian Systematic Theology' in Stanley Hauerwas and L. Gregory Jones (eds.), Why Narrative? Readings in Narrative Theology (Eerdmans, 1989)
'Hosting a Dialogue: Jungel and Levinas on God, Self and Language' in John Webster (ed.), The Possibilities of Theology: Studies in the Theology of Eberhard Jungel (T & T Clark, 1994)
'On Being Theologically Hospitable to Jesus Christ: Hans Frei's Achievement', Journal of Theological Studies 46.2 (October 1995)
'What Happens in the Eucharist?', Scottish Journal of Theology 48.3 (August 1995)
'Concluding Reflection: Constructing a Public Theology' in Frances Young (ed.), Dare we Speak of God in Public? The Edward Cadbury Lectures, 1993-94 (Mowbray, 1995)
'L'Arche and Jesus: What is the Theology?' in Frances Young (ed.), Encounter with Mystery (DLT, 1997)
'A Messiah for the Third Millennium', Modern Theology 16.1 (January 2000)
'Why Church?', Scottish Journal of Theology 53.1 (February, 2001)
'Radical Orthodoxy and the Future of British Theology', Scottish Journal of Theology 54.3 (August, 2001)
'Salvation and the Nature of Theology: A Response to John Webster's Review of Self and Salvation: Being Transformed', Scottish Journal of Theology 54.4 (November, 2001)
'Apophasis and the Soah: Where was Jesus Christ at Auschwitz' in Oliver Davies and Denys Turner (eds.), Silence and the Word: Apophasis and Incarnation (CUP, 2002)
'Holy Spirit and Christian Spirituality' in Kevin Vanhoozer (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Postmodern Theology (Cambridge, 2003)
'Knowledge, Meaning and the World's Greatest Challenges: Reinventing Cambridge University in the Twenty-First Century', Scottish Journal of Theology 57.2 (May 2004)
'Wilderness Wisdom for the Twenty-First Century: Arthur, l'Arche and the Culmination of Christian History' in R. S. Sugirtharajah (ed.), Wilderness: Essays in Honour of Frances Young (T & T Clark, 2005)
'God and Our Public Life: A Scriptural Wisdom', International Journal of Public Theology 1.1 (2007)
'Review: The Gospel of John and Christian Theology - Edited by Richard Bauckham and Carl Mosser', Modern Theology 25.4 (October, 2009), 704-707
'Where is the Wise Theological Creativity to be Found? Thoughts on 25 years of Modern Theology and the Twenty-First Century Prospect', Modern Theology 26.1 (January 2010)
'The What, How and Who of Humanity before God: Theological Anthropology and the Bible in the Twenty-First Century', Modern Theology 27.1 (January 2011)
'Reading texts, seeking wisdom: A Gospel, a system and a poem', Theology 114.3 (2011)
'Meeting Nicodemus: A Case Study of Daring Theological Interpretation', Scottish Journal of Theology 66.1 (2013)
'Reading Backwards, Reading Forward, and Abiding: Reading John in the Spirit Now', Journal of Theological Interpretation (2017)
'Who is Jesus now? — Maxims and Surprises', Anglican Theological Review (2019)
'"To See My Glory": Jesus and the Dynamics of Glory in John's Gospel' in Exploring the Glory of God (Fortress, 2021)
'Mutual Intensities,; Abductive Attraction; God: Thinking with Peter Ochs' in Signs of Salvation: A Festschrift for Peter Ochs (2021)
'Ultimate Desire: The Prayer of Jesus in John 17' in T & T Clark Handbook to Prayer (T & T Clark, 2021)