Scottish Journal of Theology
'Karl Barth and the development of Doctrine' (1972)
'The Political Christ. Some Reflections on Mr Cupitt's Thesis' (1979)
'Two dogmas revisited: Edward Irving's christology' (1988)
'Augustine, the Trinity and the Theological Crisis of the West' (1990)
'An English Systematic Theology?' (1993)
'Article Review. Karl Barth's Critically Realistic Dialectical Theology.
Its Genesis and Development 1909-1936. Bruce L. McCormack' (1996)
'Election and Ecclesiology in the Post-Constantinian Church' (2000)
International Journal of Systematic Theology
'A Rose By Any Other Name? From 'Christian Doctrine' to 'Systematic Theology' (1999)
'Aspects of Salvation: Some Unscholastic Themes from Calvin's Institutes' (1999)
'Until He Comes': Towards an Eschatology of Church Membership' (2001)
'The Spirit Moved Over the Face of the Waters. The Holy Spirit and the Created Order' (2002)
Pro Ecclesia
'And in one Lord Jesus Christ ... Begotten not Made' (2001)
'One Mediator ... the Man Jesus Christ' Reconciliation, Mediation and Life in Community' (2002)
Journal of Theological Studies
'Karl Barth's doctrine of election as part of his doctrine of God' (1974)
'Transcendence, Metaphor and the Knowability of God' (1980)
'Christus Victor Revisited. A Study of Metaphor and the Transformation of Meaning' (1985)
Modern Theology
'Creation and Recreation. An Exploration of Some Themes in Aesthetics and Theology' (1985)
'Reinhold Niebuhr: a Treatise of Human Nature' (1987)
Theology Today
'Barth, the Trinity and Human Freedom' (1986)
'Used and Being Used. Scripture and Systematic Theology' (1990)
'Time, Eternity and the Doctrine of the Incarnation' (1982)
'Immanence and Otherness: Divine sovereignty and human freedom in the theology of Robert W. Jenson' (1991)
'Atonement and the Project of Creation' (1996)
Religious Studies
'Christianity Amoung the Religions in The Encyclopedia of Religion' (1988)
'Universal and Particular in Atonement Theology' (1992)
New Blackfriars
'When the Gates of Hell Fall Down: Towards a Modern Theology of the Justice of God' (1989)