'Book Review: A Dissent on Bonhoeffer by David Hopper', Scottish Journal of Theology 31.3
'Book Review: Rudolf Bultmann's Theology by Robert Campbell Roberts', Scottish Journal of Theology 32.1
'Book Review: The Sociality of Christ and Humanity: Dietrich Bonhoeffer's early theology 1927-1933 by Clifford Green', Scottish Journal of Theology 32.3
'Book Review: Jesus: An Experiment in Christology by Edward Schillebeeckx', Scottish Journal of Theology 33.2, 173-175
'Book Review: The Christian Life. Church Dogmatics Volume IV, part 4 by Karl Barth', Scottish Journal of Theology 36.3, 398-400
'Article Review: David Ford: Barth and God's Story', Scottish Journal of Theology 37.3, 375-380
'Book Review: Karl Barth's Philosophy of Communication by Donald Philips, Scottish Journal of Theology 37.3, 414-415
'Book Review: Karl Barth: Theologian by John Bowden', Theology July 1984, 299-300
'Book Review: Magisterium by Francis A. Sullivan', Theology March 1985, 149-15
'Book Review: Transformation and Convergence in the Frame of Knowledge by T. F. Torrance', Theology November 1985, 471-473.
'Book Review: The Divine Trinity by David Brown', Journal of Theological Studies 37.2, 669-671
'Book Review: The God of Jesus Christ by Walter Kaspar', Theology March 1986, 131
'Book Review: Theology and the Problem of Evil by Kenneth Surin', Journal of Theological Studies 38.2, 588-589
'Book Review: Anthropology in Theological Perspective by Wolfhart Pannenberg', Scottish Journal of Theology 41.3, 409-11
'Book Review: Theological Dialogue between Orthodox and Reformed Churches by T. F. Torrance', Modern Theology 4.4
'Book Review: The Turnings of Darkness and Light. Essays in Philosophical and Systematic Theology by Kenneth Surin', Journal of Theological Studies 41.3, 320-321
'Book Review: John Calvin's Doctrine of the Christian Life by John H. Leith', Theology Today Vol 47.4 (January 1991), pp.463-464
'Book Review: Keeping the Faith edited by Geoffrey Wainwright', Scottish Journal of Theology 44.2, 264-266
'Book Review: Revelatory Positivism? Barth's Earliest Theology and the Marburg School by Simon Fisher', Journal of Theological Studies 42.1, 412-414
'Book Review: The Concept of the Knowledge of God by Brian Haymes and Lovers of Discord by Keith W. Clements', Baptist Quarterly XXXIV, 139-140
'Book Review: Fallen Freedom. Kant on Radical Evil and Moral Regeneration by Gordon Michalson', Modern Theology 8.2
'Book Review: Genugtuung. Biblisches Versohnungsdenken - eine Quelle fur Anselms Satisfaktionstheorie? by Helmut Steindl', Journal of Theological Studies, 43.1, 283-286
'Book Review: How to Read Karl Barth by George Hunsinger', Theology January-February 1992, 42-43
'Book Review: God for Us: The Trinity and Christian Life by Catherine Mowry LaCugna', Scottish Journal of Theology 47.1, 135-137
'Book Review: Changing Christian Paradigms and their Implications for Modern Thought by Crawford Knox', Journal of Theological Studies 45.2, 792-795
'Book Review: God as Trinity: Relationality and Temporality in Divine Life by Ted Peters', Theology Today 51.1 (April 1994), pp.174-176
'Book Review: Christ and the Spirit: Spirit-Christology in Trinitarian Perspective by Ralph Del Colle', Modern Theology 11.4
'Book Review: Trinity and incarnation: the faith of the early church by Basil Studer', Pro Ecclesia 4.2 (Spring 1995), pp.241-243
'Book Review: Types of Christian Theology by Hans Frei', Scottish Journal of Theology 49.2, 233-234
'Book Review: Systematic Theology Volume 2 by Wolfhart Pannenberg', Modern Theology 12.2
'Article Review: Karl Barth's Critically Realistic Dialectical Theology. Its Genesis and Development 1909-1936 by Bruce L. McCormack', Scottish Journal of Theology 49.4, 483-491
'Book Review: Michael Polanyi by Drusilla Scott', Theology July-August 1997, 304-305
Thought from Jonathan Edwards to Horace Bushnell by Bruce M. Stephens', Journal of Theological Studies 49.2, 896-897
'Book Review: By the renewing of your minds: the pastoral function of Christian doctrine by Ellen Charry', Theology Today 55.3, 454-458
'Book Review: These Three are One by David S. Cunningham', Scottish Journal of Theology 52.1, 117-119
'Book Review: Theological Essay II by Eberhard Jungel, edited and introduction by John Webster', Scottish Journal of Theology 52.2, 248-250
'Book Review: Trinitarian Perspectives by T. F. Torrance', Scottish Journal of Theology 52.3, 379-380
'Book Review: Systematic Theology. Vol 1: The Triune God by Robert W. Jenson', Pro Ecclesia 8.3, 364-365.
'Book Review: The Barthian Revolt in Modern Theology by Gary Dorrien', International Journal of Systematic Theology 2.3, 349-351
'Book Review: Ad Litteram. How Augustine, Calvin and Barth Read the 'Plain Sense' of Genesis 1-3 by K. E. Greene-McCreight', Journal of Theological Studies 51.2, 787-78
'Book Review: Creation and Reality by Michael Welker', Theology Today 57.2
'Book Review: Die biblische Urgeschichte in der Aufklarung. Johann Gottfried Herders Interpretation der Genesis als Antwort auf die Religionskritik David Humes by Christoph Bultmann', Journal of Theological Studies 53.4, 780-782
'Book Review: God's Being Is in Becoming: The Trinitarian Being of God in the Theology of Karl Barth by Eberhard Jungel, trans. John Webster', Theology Today 59.2, 310-311
'Book Review: Dialectic in Karl Barth's Doctrine of God by Terry L Cross', Journal of Theological Studies 54.1, 433-435
'Book Review: Redemptive Change: Atonement and the Christian Cure of Souls', Theology Today 60.1, 130-132