Here's a more extended plug for the new BU study material Gathering Around the Table: Children and Communion that was launched at Assembly. In recent years (like the last 30 or so), the question of children participating at the table has become a big issue, especially in denominations where children have been baptised as infants. Where children are welcomed to the table in baptist churches this will often occur before baptism. The study material is not designed to give a set baptist response to the question, but to enable churches to explore how and why they might welcome children to participate in communion.
Study 1 explores the meal habits of Jesus
Study 2 explores the meal habits at Corinth. This is crucial because 1 Cor 11 is often used as the reason why children should not receive bread and wine.
Study 3 explores how communion is practiced today
Study 4 explores children and the church and the gospel incidents between Jesus and children
Study 5 explores children and faith
Study 6 offers six different models, from a more or less closed table (children are present, but receive a blessing rather than bread and wine) to an entirely open table.
As someone who was part of writing the material (which built on earlier attempts), I'd be very interested to hear how the material is received. So feel free to comment or send me an email.
I'm glad to see the Baptist Union wrestling with questions of children and their place in the church. Another group I'm part of is working on the BU children's strategy and this will hopefully be another good piece of practical theology.
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