PhD (Duke)
Helen H.P. Manson Professor of New Testament Literature and Exegesis, Princeton Theological Seminary
Distinguished Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Baylor University (2013-)
From Darkness to Light: Aspects of Conversion in the New Testament (Fortress, 1986)
(ed.) with Robert Fortna, The Conversation Continues: Studies in Paul and John in Honor of J. Louis Martyn (1990)
'The Singularity of the Gospel: A Reading of Galatians' in D. Hay (ed.), Pauline Theology Vol. 1 (SBL, 1991)
Mary: Glimpses of the Mother of Jesus (1995)
'Mother's milk and ministry in 1 Corinthians 3' in E H Lovering and J L Sumney (eds.), Theology and Ethics in Paul and His Interpreters (Abingdon, 1996)
First and Second Thessalonians (Interpretation Series / Westminster John Knox, 1998)
'Is Galatians just a "guy thing"? A Theological Reflection' Interpretation 54.3 (July 2000)
(ed.), Blessed One: Protestant Perspectives on Mary (2002)
Acts (Abingdon, 2003)
'The Cosmic Power of Sin in Paul's Letter to the Romans: Towards a Widescreen Edition', Interpretation (July 2004)
'"Nothing will be Impossible with God": Mary as the Mother of Believers' in Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson (eds.), Mary, Mother of God (Eerdmans, 2004)
'Theology and Ecclesiology in the Miletus Speech: Reflections on Content and Context', Scottish Journal of Theology 50.1 (2004)
'"God Handed Them Over": Reading Romans 1:18-32 Apocalyptically', Australian Biblical Review 53 (2005), 42-53
'The God Who Will Not Be Taken For Granted: Reflections on Paul's Letter to the Romans' in Beverley Gaventa and Patrick Miller (eds.), The Ending of Mark and the Ends of God (Westminster John Knox, 2005)
Our Mother Saint Paul (Westminster John Knox, 2007)
'Interpreting the Death of Jesus Apocalyptically: Reconsidering Romans 8.32' in Todd D. Still (ed.), Jesus and Paul Reconnected (Eerdmans, 2007)
"‘For the Glory of God': Theology and Experience in Paul's Letter to the Romans." Between Experience and Interpretation: Engaging the Writings of the New Testament edited by Mary F. Foskett and O. Wesley Allen Jr. (Abingdon, 2008), 53-65.
'From Toxic Speech to the Redemption of Doxology in Paul's Letter to the Romans' in J. Ross Wagner et al (eds.), The Word Leaps the Gap: Essays on Scripture and Theology in Honor of Richard B. Hays (Eerdmans, 2008)
'Finding a Place of Children in the Letters of Paul' in M. Bunge et al (eds.), The Child in the Bible (Eerdmans, 2008)
'Learning and Relearning in the Identity of Jesus from Luke-Acts' in Beverly Gaventa and Richard B. Hays (eds.), Seeking the Identity of Jesus: A Pilgrimage (Eerdmans, 2008)
'"To Preach the Gospel": Romans 1.15 and the Purpose of Romans' in The Letter to the Romans edited by Udo Schnelle (Peeters, 2009), 179-95
'On the Calling-into-Being of Israel: Romans 9.6-26' in Between Gospel and Election edited by J. Ross Wagner (Mohr Siebeck, 2010)
'Reading for the Subject: The Paradox of Power in Romans 14.1-15.6', Journal of Theological Interpretation 5.1 (2011)
'Paul and the Roman Believers' in The Blackwell Companion to Paul edited by Stephen Westerholm (Blackwell, 2011)
"The Mission of God in Paul's Letter to the Romans." Paul as Missionary: Identity, Activity, Theology, and Practice. Edited by Trevor Burke and Brian S. Rosner. (T&T Clark, 2011). Pp. 65-75.
'"Neither Height nor Depth": Cosmos and Soteriology in Paul's Letter to the Romans' in Joshua B. Davis and Douglas Harink (eds.), Apocalyptic and the Future of Theology: With and Beyond J. Louis Martyn (Cascade, 2012)
'The Shape of the “I”: The Psalter, the Gospel, and the Speaker in Romans 7' in B. Gaventa (ed.), Apocalyptic Paul: Cosmos and Anthrops in Romans 5-8 (Baylor, 2013)
'Which Humans? What Response? A Reflection on Pauline Theology.” Ex Auditu 30 (2014): 50-64.
'The Singularity of the Gospel Revisited' in Galatians and Christian Theology edited by Mark Elliot et al (Baker, 2014)
'The Rhetoric of Violence and the God of Peace in Paul's Letter to the Romans." Paul, John, and Apocalyptic Eschatology: Studies in Honour of Martinus C. de Boer. Edited by Jans Krans et al. (Brill, 2014).
'The ‘Glory of God’ in Paul’s Letter to the Romans' in Interpretation and the Claims of the Text: Resourcing New Testament Theology edited by Jason A. Whitlark, et al (Baylor University Press, 2014).
'Thinking from Christ to Israel: Romans 9-11 in Apocalyptic Perspective' in Paul and the Apocalyptic Imagination edited by John Byron and Joel N. Lohr (Fortress, 2016).
'Questions about Nomos: Answers about Christos: Romans 10:4 in Context.' Torah Ethics and Early Christian Identity. Edited by Susan J. Wendel and David M. Miller. (Eerdmans, 2016).
'The Powers and Paul’s Letter to the Romans' in Life Amid the Principalities edited by Michael Root and James J. Buckley (Wipf and Stock, 2016), 24-37.
When in Romans (Baker Academic, 2016)
'The Self-Witness of the Risen Jesus: Karl Barth’s Reading of the Emmaus Road Story,” Reading the Gospels with Karl Barth edited by Daniel L. Migliore (Eerdmans, 2017).
“Reading Romans 13 with Simone Weil: Toward a More Generous Hermeneutic.” Journal of Biblical Literature 136 (2017) 7-22.
'Gendered Bodies and the Body of Christ' in Practicing with Paul: Reflections on Paul and the Practices of Ministry in Honor of Susan G. Eastman edited by Presian R. Burroughs (Cascade, 2018)
'We, They, All in Paul's Letter to the Romans', Word and the World 39.3 (2019)
'Freedom in Apocalyptic Perspective' in Quests for Freedom edited by Michael Welker (Cascade, 2019 [2015])
'Afterword' in Lisa Bowens, African American Readings of Paul: Reception, Resistance, and Transformation (Eerdmans, 2020)
'Reading Romans on the Brink: The Continuing Challenge of Barth’s Römerbrief' in Karl Barth’s Epistle to the Romans: Retrospect and Prospect edited by Christoph Chalamet et al (Walter de Guyter, 2022)
'The Finality of the Gospel—Barth’s Römerbrief on Romans 9–11 in The Finality of the Gospel: Karl Barth and the Tasks of Eschatology edited by Kaitlyn Dugan and Philip Ziegler (Brill, 2022)
'Where is the "God of Israel" in Paul's Reading of the Gospel?' in Gospel Reading and Reception in Early Christian Literature edited by Andrew J. Byers (Cambridge, 2022)
'Power and Kenosis in Paul’s Letter to the Romans' in Kenosis: The Self-Emptying of Christ in Scripture and Theology edited by Keith Johnson and Paul Nimmo (Eerdmans, 2022)
'Places of Power in Paul's Letter to the Romans', Interpretation 76.4 (October 2022)
'Who is "Israel" in Romans 9.30-10.21? A Neglected Question' in Paul, Christian Textuality, and the Hermeneutics of Late Antiquity: Essays in Honor of Margaret M Mitchell (Brill, 2023)
' "That Grace Should Come into Its Own": Romans 12.1-8 in and with Karl Barth's Romerbrief' in The New Perspective on Grace: Paul and the Gospel after Paul and the Gift edited by Edward Adams et al (Eerdmans, 2023)
Romans (WJK, 2024)
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