selected English publications
The Political Worship of the Church. A Critical and Empowering Practice, Modern Theology 12 (1996) 269-99
'Old Docetism - New Moralism? Questioning a New Direction in the Homosexuality Debate', Modern Theology 16 (2000), 353-64
Communication as Transformation: Worship and the Media, Studies in Christian Ethics 13 (2000) 93-106
'Members of One Another. Charis, Ministry and Representation. A politico-ecclesial reading of Romans 12' in A Royal Priesthood. The Use of the Bible Ethically and Politically, ed. by C. Bartholomew et al. (Paternoster 2002), 196-220
'Luther's Moral Theology' in The Cambridge Companion to Martin Luther, ed. D. McKim (CUP, 2003)
Political Worship. Oxford Studies in Theological Ethics; (OUP, 2004), 402 pp
'Liturgy' in The Blackwell Companion to Political Theology, ed. P. Scott & W. Cavanaugh (Blackwell, 2004)
'Representing the Absent in the City' in God, Truth and Witness: Engaging Stanley Hauerwas, ed. G. Jones et al (Brazos, 2005)
'Responsible Living' or 'Responsible Self'? Bonhoefferian Reflections on a Vexed Moral Notion, Studies in Christian Ethics 18 (Dec 2005) pp. 125 - 140.
'Ecclesiology and Ethics' in The Oxford Handbook of Theological Ethics, Meilaender and Werpehowski (eds.), (OUP, 2005)
'The Desire of Desire. Idolatry in Late Capitalism' in: Idolatry. False Worship in the Bible, Early Judaism and Christianity; ed. by S. Barton; (T&T Clark 2007), 315-330
'The Ethics of Doing Theology: Towards the Recovery of a Withering Practice' in Hemming and Parsons (Eds) Redeeming Truth: Considering Faith in Reason, (SCM Press, 2007)
'Ruled by the Spirit': Hans Ulrich's Understanding of Political Existence, Studies in Christian Ethics 20 (2007)
'Soul Citizens: How Christians Understand their Political Role', Political Theology 9.3 (2008)
Inwardness and Commodification: How Romanticist Hermeneutics Prepared the Way for the Culture of Managerialism — a Theological Analysis, Studies in Christian Ethics, Apr 2008; vol. 21: pp. 26 - 44.
The Ethics of Doing Theology: Towards the Recovery of a Withering Practice in Hemming and Parsons (Eds) Redeeming Truth: Considering Faith in Reason, London : SCM Press, 2007
Ecclesiology and Ethics in Meilaender and Werpehowski, The Oxford Handbook of Theological Ethics, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005.
He has also recently had published a collection of essays on Bonhoffer and his poetry, "Who am I? Bonhoeffer's Theology through his poetry, Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 2009. Contributors include Oliver O'Donovan, Michael Northcott, Stan Hauerwas and Hand Ulrich.
He's working on a new book on political theology for Eerdmans due for publication 2009/2010.
Posted by: Brodie | April 21, 2009 at 12:05 PM