Lecturer in Historical Theology, University of Aberdeen, 1984-1987.
Chair of Systematic Theology, Knox College, Dunedin, 1987-1992.
Director Research Institute of Systematic Theology and Senior Lecturer, King's College London, 1993-1999.
Chair of Systematic Theology, University of St Andrews 1999-
1997 Henson Hensley Lectures, Oxford
2009 Didsbury Lectures
Major Publications
'The Self-relation, Narcissism and the Gospel of Grace', Scottish Journal of Theology 40 (1987)
'Introductory Essay' in Eberhard Jungel, Christ, Justice and Peace, trans. Alan J. Torrance and D. Bruce Hamill (T & T Clark, 1992)
(ed.) with Hilary Regan, Christ and Context (T&T Clark, 1993)
Persons in Communion: Trinitarian Description and Human Participation (T & T Clark, 1996)
'Theology and Political Correctness' in Lawrence Osborn and Andrew Walker (eds.), Harmful Religion: An Exploration of Religious Abuse (SPCK, 1997)
'Creatio Ex Nihilo and the Spatio-temporal Dimensions with Special Reference to Jurgen Moltmann and D. C. Williams' in Colin Gunton (ed.), The Doctrine of Creation (T & T Clark, 1997)
'The Trinity' in John Webster (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Karl Barth (Cambridge, 2000)
'Jesus in Christian Doctrine' in Markus Bockmuehl (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Jesus (Cambridge, 2001)
'Is Love the Essence of God?' in Kevin J. Vanhoozer (ed.), Nothing Greater, Nothing Better: Theological Essays on the Love of God (Eerdmans, 2001)
'Being of One Substance with the Father' in Christopher R. Seitz (ed.), Nicene Christianity: The Future of a New Ecumenism (BRazos, 2002)
'God, Personhood and Particularity: On Whether There Is, or Should Be, A Distinctive Male Perspective' in Douglas A. Campbell (ed.), Gospel and Gender: A Trinitarian Engagement with being Male and Female in Christ (T & T Clark, 2003)
'"Call No Man Father!": The Trinity, Patriarchy and God-Talk' in Douglas A. Campbell (ed.), Gospel and Gender: A Trinitarian Engagement with being Male and Female in Christ (T & T Clark, 2003)
'What is a Person?' in Malcolm Jeeves (ed.), From Cells to Souls (Eerdmans, 2004)
'Theism, Naturalism and Cognitive Science: Can the Academy Make Sense of Itself?' in David Lorimer (ed.), Science, Consciousness and Ultimate Reality (Imprint Academic, 2004)
'On Whether Forgiveness has Boundaries' in William Storrar and Andrew Morton (eds.), Public Theology for the Twenty-First Century: essays in honour of Duncan B. Forrester (T & T Clark, 2004)
'Auditio Fidei: Where and how does God speak? Faith, Reason and the Question of Criteria' in Paul Griffths and Reinhard Hütter (eds.), Reason and the Reasons of Faith (T&T Clark, 2005)
(ed.) with Michael Banner, The Doctrine of God and Theological Ethics (T&T Clark, 2006)
'On Deriving "Ought" from "Is": Christology, Covenant and Koinonia' in Alan Torrance and Michael Banner (ed.), The Doctrine of God and Theological Ethics (T&T Clark, 2006)
'The Bible as Testimony to our Belonging: The Theological Vision of James B. Torrance' in Gerrit Scott Dawson (ed.), An Introduction to Torrance Theology: Discovering the Incarnate Saviour (T & T Clark, 2007)
'The Lazarus Narrative, Theological History and Historical Probability', The Gospel of John and Christian Theology, ed Richard Bauckham and Carl Mosser, Eerdmans, 2008, 245-262.
(ed.) with Markus Bockmuehl, Scripture's Doctrine: Studies on the New Testament's Normativity for Christian Dogmatics (Baker Academic, 2008)
'Douglas Campbell, The Deliverance of God', Scottish Journal of Theology 65.1 (February 2012)
Society, Scepticism and the Problem of Moral Inversion: Some Reflections on Michael Polanyi's Social Philosophy' in Murray Rae (ed.), Critical Conversations: Michael Polanyi and Christian Theology (Pickwick, 2012)
'Is there a distinctive human nature? Approaching the question from a Christian Epistemic Base', Zygon 47.4 (December 2012)
'Reclaiming the Continuing Priesthood of Christ: Implications and Challenges' in Oliver Crisp & Fred Sanders (eds.), Christology Ancient and Modern: Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics (Zondervan, 2013)
'Analytic Theology and the Reconciled Mind The Significance of History', Journal of Analytic Theology 1.1 (May 2013)
'Retrieving the Person: Theism, Empirical Science, and the Question of Scope' in Malcolm Reeves (ed.), The Emergence of Personhood (Eerdmans, 2016)
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