Here are 11 books being published in 2025 I'm looking forward to.
- Constructing an Incarnational Theology: A Christocentric View of God's Purpose by Samuel Wells (Cambridge University Press, 2025)
- Love's Braided Dance: Hope in a Time of Crisis by Norman Wirzba (Notre Dame University Press, 2025)
- John Clifford and Radical Nonconformity: 1836–1923 by Michael R. Watts (Baylor University Press, 2025)
- Joining Creation’s Praise: A Theological Ethic of Creatureliness by Brian Brock (Baker, 2025)
- Contesting the Body of Christ by Myles Werntz (Baker, 2025)
- Easter by Wesley Hill (IVP, 2025)
- The White Bonhoeffer by Tim Judson (SCM, 2025)
- Discovering Christianity: A guide for the curious by Rowan Williams (SPCK, 2025)