MTh (Spurgeon's, 1996), PhD (Manchester, 2011)
Confronting ‘meaningless’ suffering: from suffering-as-insult to suffering-as-ontological-impertinence (PhD, University of Manchester, 2011)
Lecturer in Pastoral Studies, Trinity College, University of Glasgow, 2025-
Dean of Baptist Formation, St Hild College, 2015-2024
Editor, Baptist Ministers' Journal, 2009-
Secretary, Whitley Committee, 2012-2022
Co-editor, Journal of Baptist Theology in Context, 2020-
'Pride and Prejudice', Baptist Ministers' Journal 272 (Oct. 2000): 11-14.
'Pink ballet shoes', Baptist Ministers' Journal 280 (Oct. 2002): 3-6.
‘Medical rites: priestly power in modern healthcare’ Scottish Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy 12.1 (2009): 18-23.
‘Making ethical decisions: dualism and personhood’, Faith and Thought 47 (2009): 26-44.
A thousand crucifixions: the materialist subversion of the church. The 2009 Whitley Lecture (Oxford: Whitley, 2009).
‘Pain and personal transformation’, Faith and Thought, 50 (2011):27-34.
‘Disability and Resurrection’, Faith & Thought 62 (2017)
‘The water buries like a tomb: Baptists and baptism’ in Gathering disciples: Essays in Honor of Christopher J. Ellis edited by Myra Blyth and Andy Goodliff (Pickwick, 2017).
'Lent and dissent: discovering the ‘poor’ in Rhythms of Faithfulness: Essays in Honor of John Colwell edited by Andy Goodliff and Paul Goodliff (Pickwick, 2018).
'Baptism and SEN', Baptist Ministers' Journal 340 (Oct. 2018): 20-27.
'Not staring but gazing: a disability reading of healing in John’s Gospel', Journal of Baptist Theology in Context 1 (2020): 6-20.
'Ministry and Education’ in Ministry in Conversation: Essays in Honour of Paul Goodliff edited by Andy Goodliff and John Colwell (Wipf & Stock, 2022).
‘Baptist Ministerial Formation in Multilogical Space’, Perspectives in Religious Studies 50.1 (Spring 2023).