DPhil (Oxford, 1997, supervised by N. T. Wright): “‘Worthy of the Gospel of Christ’: The Situation and Strategy of Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians”
Tutor in New Testament, Northern Baptist College (2000-2008)
Associate Professor in New Testament, Pilgrim Theological College (2009-)
More Light and Truth? Biblical Interpretation in Covenantal Perspective. The 2007 Whitley Lecture (Whitley, 2007)
'Ambiguous Genitives, Pauline Baptism and Roman Insulae: Resources from Romans to Support Pushing at the Boundaries of Unity' in A. R. Cross and P. E. Thompson (eds.), Baptist Sacramentalism 2 (Paternoster, 2008), 77-91.
“The Rhetorical Function of John’s Portrayal of the Jewish Law" in Torah in the New Testament edited by P. Oakes and M. Tait (T & T Clark, 2009)
‘Ambassadors for Christ’ (2 Corinthians 5.20): Ministry in the New Creation' in Questions of Identity: Studies in Honour of Brian Haymes edited by Anthony R. Cross and R. Gouldbourne (Regent's Park College, 2011)
'Reading with Friends: Persuasive Testimony in Baptist Interpretative Communities' in The 'Plainly Revealed' Word of God: Baptist Hermeneutics in Theory and Practice edited by Simon P. Woodman and Helen Dare (Mercer, 2011)
'"A Daring Synagogue Sermon?": Paul's Preaching in 2 Corinthians 3.7–18' in Delivering the Word: Preaching and Exegesis in the Western Christian Tradition edited by William J. Lyons and Isabella Sandwell (Equinox, 2011)
'Word and World: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Biblical Interpretation Today', Pacifica 25.2 (2012)
‘Paul’s “Grace” Language in 2 Corinthians’ in Immense, Unfathomed, Unconfined: The Grace of God in Creation, Church and Community: Essays in Honour of Norman Young edited by Sean Winter (Melbourne: Uniting Academic Press, 2013)
'Paul's Atttitude to the Gentiles' in Attitudes to Gentiles in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity edited by David Sim and James McLaren (T & T Clark, 2013)
'"Present-ing the Word": The Use and Abuse of Bonhoeffer on the Bible’, The Bonhoeffer Legacy: Australasian Journal of Bonhoeffer Studies 2.2 (2014), 19–35.
‘"Obedient to Death”: Revisiting the Rhetorical Function of Philippians 2:6–11’, Australian Biblical Review 63 (2015)
'Journey and rest: Hebrews, pilgrimage, and the work of theological education', Pacifica 28.2 (June 2015), 192-207.
'Friendship Traditions in the New Testament: An Overview', Pacifica 29 (2016): 192–204.
'"With Him I Believe": Keith Clements on Dietrich Bonhoeffer as Patriot and Ecumenist', Bonhoeffer Legacy (2017)
'Listening for the Word of God: Divine Speech, Scripture, and the Task of Interpretation' in Rhythms of Faithfulness: Essays in Honor of John E. Colwell edited by Andy Goodliff and Paul Goodliff (Pickwick, 2018)
'God Revealed and Hidden: Barth's Exegesis of Romans 11:33–36', Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review, 50.1 (2018): 46-58.
'Paul's Ethics and Paul's Experience: Law and love in Galatians' in Biblical Ethics: Tensions Between Justice and Mercy, Law and Love (Gorgias, Piscataway, 2019), 251-71.
'Suffering, Salvation, and Solidarity in 2 Corinthians 1:3–11' in Suffering in Paul: Perspectives and Implications (Pickwick, 2019), 64-81.
‘He Will Rescue Us Again’: Affliction and Hope in 2 Corinthians 1:8–11', Religions (2020)
'Beyond the Household: The Emergence of Translocal Ministry in the New Testament' in Episkope: The Theory and Practice of Translocal Oversight (SCM, 2020), 3-13.
'N. T. (Tom) Wright (1948–)' in Twentieth Century Anglican Theologians (Wiley Blackwell, 2020), 206-16.
'The Letter, the spirit, and the Letter Again: Reflections on 2 Corinthians 3 and the Work of Biblical Interpretation' in Re-Membering the Body: The Witness of History, Theology, and the Arts in Honour of Ruth M. B. Gouldbourne edited by Anthony R. Cross and Brian Haymes (Pickwick, 2021)
'Re-visioning (the) Love/Command: Law, Authority, and the Logic of Love in the Philosophy of Pamela Sue Anderson and Paul’s Letter to the Galatians' in Contemporary Feminist Theologies: Power, Authority, Love (Routledge, 2021), 158-67.
'The "Sending of the Son" Formula in Paul, John, and the Historical Jesus' in Many Believed Because of Her Testimony: Essays Celebrating the Scholarship and Service of Dorothy Lee edited by Robert A. Derrenbacker Jr. et al (Wipf & Stock, 2023)