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July 21, 2017


John Rackley

Hi Andy
For a time I was involved with reviewing the point of sabbaticals for ministers and what they did with them. This was in the days when they were justified as a time for study. I argued this was a deficient view of the meaning of 'sabbatical' but it seemed it helped churches think them worthwhile. That having been said what I did find was there was some very good 'thinking' going on but what was written often never went further than the minister and maybe their church. The BU ministry dept of the time received copies of this 'thinking' but couldn't do much with them (time, personnel reductions etc) so they languished on a possibly metaphorical shelf somewhere. I can't imagine they are still around; some might made their way into college shelves and so on. In a very different age modern technology would treat them differently.
My point is simply that in the baptist community pastor theologians are the top of the thinking pyramid; for if what we think does not work at the local level and makes a difference to the world view of the 'local' then it isn't making differerence at all. Let ecclesiology help shape the context of theological reflection.

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