Apparently the Archdeacon of Oxford thinks street preaching should be outlawed. Presumably he'd have arrested Paul in the Agora as nuisance.
It is a joke, a lie and a scandal that the BMA now insists on talk of 'pregnant people' not 'pregnant women'. The ultimate mysogyny.
The Cof E bishops need to curb the sometimes a bit sinister networking control exercised by Holy Trinity Brompton.
In Prague: can't help feeling sad that the Czechs seem to have exchanged communism for a cult of the sinisterly-sentimental John Lennon.
Prague: why do Czechs always fall for shallow Anglo-Saxon fads: Wycliffe, Britpop etc?
The Church, as a militant mother, must reclaim Mothering Sunday from the American 'mother's day'. In 20thC was restarted in Nottinghamshire.
Tattooed ladies belong in fairgounds. And even there one moves on fast to the gypsy fortune-teller.
Sussex campus: fifty years after 1967 it still has the odd hippy. Maybe the right potion has kept them young and alive.
Why do trails of soccer supporters at railway stations look so grim, stunned, mesmerised, hopeless, infantilised?
Dispiriting to see English schoolchildren in uniform unisex baseball caps. Cricket caps for boys, berets for girls is our own culture.
Bonkers fascist headmasters with uneducated accents denying parents the right to take children on holidays in termtime deserve public caning
Most children would educationally benefit from more days off school. Only the current rote-learning and dragooning makes it seem otherwise.
Removing marks from students' work handed in late sends the wrong signal that time matters more than content. I never ever did it.
The half-clever, smug complacency of the English upper middle classes can be incredibly dangerous. Perhaps getting worse.
Vicars seem nowadays to ban confetti as a nuisance to tidy up! Scant concern for the priority of ancient, sacred, customary ritual here.
If the suffering of God at Man's hand is secretly the judgement of God, then the judgement of God is secretly his suffering at Man's hand.
Since our work has become nothing to do with either politics or religion we are necessarily alienated from it.
The Trinity and Incarnation are humanly symbolised by the complementarity of virginity and marriage. Permeation via integrity solely divine.
Babies reveal the hidden resemblance between their parents.
On train back from a reception in docklands near Canary Wharf. Like returning to England from another hyperreal planet.
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