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May 26, 2016


Kim Fabricius

My first encounter with Webster's work was in 2003 -- his Barth's Moral Theology, published 5 years before. Then in 2006-07, I went on a binge, devouring Holy Scripture: A Dogmatic Sketch (2003), Karl Barth (2000), Holiness (2003), Word and Church (2001), and Confessing God (2005). What a sublime experience! What a theological treasure chest!

Everything Ivor Davidson says resonates with me. I'd only add that Webster was one of those few theologians whose work invited you to pray before you began each reading session -- and to say the Grace after you'd finished it. Thank you, Andy, for gilding my sadness.

Mark Thiessen Nation

How very sad for the theological world; a very great loss. I was so looking forward to reading his commentary on Ephesians, as well as his multi-volume systematic theology. I have a dozen of Webster's books. I seem to have bought the first one in 1999, when I was living in London. I met him in Oxford around that time. I have repeatedly returned to several of his essays, as I find them continually relevant to my own work. In fact, yesterday I re-read his fine essay on Barth and Bonhoeffer's reading of Scripture. Webster was one of those rare theologians (in the company of Barth and Bonhoeffer) who was brilliant, widely read and whose writings lead the reader not infrequently into a fresh encounter with the Word of God. May his witness to the Word continue through his many wonderful writings.

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