Today I share a baptismal hymn written by Chris Ellis. Baptists need to write more baptismal hymns/songs. Looking in Baptist Praise and Worship (Oxford, 1991), the last time the Baptist Union of Great Britain published a hymn book, I found very few hymns satisfying hymns in the baptism section, and almost none that speak of baptism in sacramental terms. We're singing Chris's baptism hymn tomorrow to the tune of Before the throne of God Above (arranged by Vicki Cook © 1997 Sovereign Grace /Intergrity's Hosanna! music).
Here at the water we confess
The word of God has been made flesh,
For when he in the waters bathed
He shared the fate of those he’d save.As Jesus to the Jordan came
So we have come to do the same:
Then let us all from evil turn
And ways of love from Jesus learn.The water buries like a tomb
Yet there new life springs from the womb.
We stand and sing what we believe –
That all in Christ new life receive.We share one life and own one name:
‘Jesus is Lord’ we all proclaim;
Called to be one, his body we,
A sign of hope for all to see.We set our feet upon the Way,
To speak for Christ in all we say;
Through Spirit’s power in fire and dove,
To do his work and live his love.
© Christopher J. Ellis