Glen Stassen (1936-2014) died earlier this week. He was Lewis B. Smedes Professor of Christian Ethics at Fuller Theological Seminary and the director of the Just Peacemaking Initiative and he was a Baptist.
Author of Just Peacemaking, Kingdom Ethics and A Thicker Jesus, amongst much else. A Thicker Jesus is based on his 2011 The Nordenhaug Memorial lectures delivered at IBTS.
Larry L. McSwain and Wm. Loyd Allen named him amongst the Twentieth-century Shapers of Baptist Social Ethics. His work should be read alongside and in conversation with that of Yoder, Hauerwas and McClendon, whom he counted friends.
In 2013 he was the recipient of the Baptist World Alliance Denton and Janice Lotz Human Rights Award.
Last year's Summer edition of the Baptist journal Perspectives in Religious Studies honoured him with a festschrift and earlier this year, former students published Ethics as if Jesus Mattered: Essays in Honor of Glen H. Stassen (Smyth & Helwys, 2014).