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August 29, 2013


Ruth Neve

Top ten ...
1 Barbara Brown Taylor - fantastic lyrical distillers wisdom
2 Steve Chalke - the way to go
3 The Boxettes - nuff said
4 Mrs Barbara Nice - lol funny
5 Time for the good looking boy - one man play full f humour and pathos
6 Midnight wine and conversation with friends under the event shelter
7 The lack of mud
8 Beer and hymns - see 3
9 Space, stillness and simple sung liturgy of Northumbrian evening office
10 Breaking bread with 10000

Down points - missing out on 'favourites' due to inadequate size of venues/ no gluten free bread for communion / noise spill / having to go home before The Duke

Best Greenbelt for ages

M. Knight

We went for the first time this year, WOW what a great festival, booked next year already. The diversity is what appeals, my wife went to the religious talks and some music, I went to the music and some talks, Claire Balding and John Bells were great.
Really got into Harry Baker and his friends, look on Utube for him and Rafief Ziadah and don't be put off by the word poetry, it is not poetry as we know it.
To add to what has been said I agree some sessions were not long enough and my wife felt they were more "look at me what I have done isn't that great" when she wanted "this is what I have done, HOW CAN I HELP YOU?"


Total disappointment - Greenbelt's partnership with "Embrace the Middle East" and "Kairos Britain". The approach to the Arab-Israeli conflict taken by these two organisations is so biased that they have to to be regarded as antisemitic. I know that's a strong word, and I don't use it lightly.


Ian - antisemitic is an extremely strong word, and in this context completely baseless. Please either provide evidence or remove your incorrect post.


My top ten.

1) Barbara Brown Taylor- a real surprise bought some of her books.
2) Eliza Carthy, great.
3) Amadou & Mariam - brilliant lovely pre bules influence.
4) Wild Goose sing along, learnt some new stuff we can hopefully use in the homegroup.
5) GTV talks I and my writing partner did one each so I'm supposed I'm biased but they were great fun and the others I saw were fantastic.
6) Seeing old friends and relatives.
7) The weather it may not have been warm all the time but it was dry.
8) Communion much better than last year.
9) Paul Ueti very interesting to hear what he said particularly about Chile.
10) LCGC superb as per usual.

Things I didn't like. Continual banging on about Angels. No sermon in the Communion. Whilst I don't agree with Ian's comments above and think there was less emphasis on Palestine this year, note to John Kerry please sort peace between Israel and the Palestinians so GB can move on. some more thoughts here http://www.theoillamp.co.uk/?p=2849

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