I was wondering if we need some new guidelines for conduct unbecoming amongst Baptist ministers. Here's a few suggestions:
it is conduct unbecoming for any Baptist minister to not continue to read and study theologically (Wayne Grudem does not count!)
it is conduct unbecoming for any Baptist minister to not make time regularly to connect with other ministers (the lone-ranger mentality)
it is conduct unbecoming for any Baptist minister who does not seek to attend at least every two years Association and/or national Assemblies (these are ecclesial bodies, and by no means perfect, but as those who have a representative function as ministers and who are in covenant relationship with the Union, we should not act towards them dismissively)
it is conduct unbecoming for any Baptist minister who pays lip service to being a Baptist minister (the word Baptist is not an optional extra, but fundamental to the way we should practice ministry)
it is conduct unbecoming for any Baptist minister to hinder/discourage any woman testing a call to ministry on the grounds of gender
it is conduct unbecoming for any Baptist minister to take the title 'senior minister' (get over yourself!)
Sounds good to me ...
it is unbecoming to spend more than three evenings a week in church based activity... more to follow
Posted by: Craig | May 09, 2013 at 05:02 PM
it is conduct unbecoming to fail to take your allotted number of free Sundays, holidays and at least most of your scheduled days off...
Posted by: Catriona | May 09, 2013 at 05:06 PM
At the Assembly we welcomed the newly accredited ministers etc. It would be good to see the Steering Group and the Trustees - were they all there?
Posted by: Sue Barker | May 09, 2013 at 05:14 PM
Posted by: Kevin Brown | May 09, 2013 at 06:27 PM
This Trustee was there, yes! And most of my fellow Trustees were too. Good points, Andy, felt myself smiling and nodding in agreement!
Posted by: Barbara Carpenter | May 09, 2013 at 06:54 PM
It is conduct unbecoming to take baptist structures too seriously.
It is conduct unbecoming to insist that church members are naive or stupid if they hold to the virgin birth, miracles and signs contained within the Gospels as literal events.
Posted by: Paul | May 09, 2013 at 07:27 PM
It is conduct unbecoming for any minister of a fresh expressions church to use every opportunity to sneer at those in more traditional expressions of church, as if they were the only ones through whom God is at work these days.
Posted by: David Fleming | May 09, 2013 at 08:08 PM
I like this Andy! Can you also write a list of core incompetencies? :-)
Posted by: Juliet Kilpin | May 09, 2013 at 10:24 PM
Andy I find Wayne Grudem an excellent start point as he provides a good framework to consider and think through theological topics. We don't have to agree with him but over the years he has provided me with a valuable entry point into a number of topics. Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology should be on every Baptist Minister's shelf, as should Macquarrie.
Posted by: Graham Dunn | May 09, 2013 at 10:31 PM
How about it being conduct unbecoming for any Baptist minister to determine what is conduct unbecoming for another Baptist minister?
Posted by: Paul Richards | May 10, 2013 at 06:33 AM
It is conduct unbecoming of the system for any minister to get uneven treatment because of who they are, how long they've been around or how well they are received or because of the level of value they bring to the Union.
Posted by: Ken | May 11, 2013 at 08:47 AM
Apologies, I can't seem to edit my last comment. I think there's more to say there. Andy, I love that Wayne Grudem does not count for continuing development. Is that because he discourages thinking for yourself or interpreting Scripture according to what it means?
Posted by: Ken | May 11, 2013 at 08:52 AM
It is conduct unbecoming for any minister of a fresh expressions church to use every opportunity to sneer at those in more traditional expressions of church, as if they were the only ones through whom God is at work these days.
Yes, yes, yes!
Posted by: Terry | May 11, 2013 at 12:14 PM
It is conduct unbecoming to snipe at colleagues through blogs or tweets. Love one another
Posted by: John James | May 11, 2013 at 06:43 PM
Oh dear... If Craig and Catriona are right, I'd have been booted out in my first year. I guess that's the point though.
Posted by: Diaryofdaft.blogspot.com | May 13, 2013 at 11:19 AM