(Title of this post borrowed from a chapter in Bothered and Bewildered by Ann Morisy) Inspired by occupylondon and lots of other things from last year or so. What should I read to help imagine alternative economic ways of living and being? How can we unschool ourselves from captialist consumerism and discover ways of consuming that are neighbourly?
On my shelves are:
The Theology of Money by Philip Goodchild (not an easy read!)
Being Consumed: Economics and Christian Desire by William Cavanaugh (this has some good stuff)
Crisis and Recovery: Ethics, Economics and Justice edited by Rowan Williams and Larry Elliot
Journey to the Common Good by Walter Bruggemann (emphasis on neighbourliness)
Colossians Remixed by Brian Walsh and Sylvia Keesmatt (ethics chapters have some good ideas)
Christianity and Contemporary Politics by Luke Bretherton (a good chapter on fair trade)
Would like to read:
Money Enough: Everyday Practices for Living Faithfully in the Global Economy by Douglas Hicks
Global Neighbours: Christian Faith and Moral Obligation in Today's Economy edited by Douglas Hicks and Mark Valeri
Them and Us: Changing Britain - Why we need a fair society by Will Hutton
Divine Economy: Theology and the Market by D. Stephen Long
Consuming Religion: Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Culture by Vincent Miller
Liberation Theology After the End of History: The Refusal to Cease Suffering by Daniel Bell Jr
God's Economy: Redefining the Health and Wealth Gospel by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
The Market Economy and Christian Ethics by Peter Sedgwick
What else?
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