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January 18, 2010


Andy Rowell

Yes, I don't have access to it online yet either here at Duke. The Winter 2009 issue is available online but not yet the Fall 2009 issue.

andy goodliff

The Winter 2009 is from January 2009. So there have been 3 more since. Although the Pro Ecclesia website has not update its contents pages for Summer or Fall 2009.

Andrew Tatum

Having had Harmon as a student at Campbell and having shared conversation (however briefly) other Baptist theologians (Curtis Freeman, Mark Medley, Elizabeth Newman, Brad Kallenberg, Barry Harvey, etc.) who share aspects of Harmon's thought, I continue to be hopeful about the history of Baptist theology and ministry in the coming years. Schools such as Duke, Baylor, Beeson, Campbell, etc. are quickly realizing that ecumenical theological engagement is more important than it has ever been. Take heart!

Ed Kaneen

We still get the paper copy at Durham - but the most recent we have is... Winter 2009! Curious.

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