Alan Torrance is currently giving the 2009 Didsbury Lectures under the title: ‘Religion, Naturalism and the Triune God: Confronting Scylla and Charibdis'. The blog beyond knowing has been giving some good summaries. Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3 Lecture 4 They will be published at some point by Paternoster.
What is interesting is he is the fourth theologian in recent times to respond to the challenge of the new atheists. David Fergusson used his 2008 Gifford Lectures - now published as Faith and Its Critics (Oxford, 2009). Alister McGrath used his 2009 Gifford Lectures - now published as A Fine-Tuned Universe (WJK, 2009) and his 2009 Huslean Lectures (given next month) - Darwinism and the Divine. Keith Ward used his 2008 Sarum Lectures - now published as The God Conclusion (DLT, 2009).
David Bentley Hart published on this too, as has Eagleton (though not sure he would consider himself a theologian anymore).
Posted by: Andrew Brower Latz | October 30, 2009 at 11:09 AM