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September 17, 2009


Jim Gordon

Thanks for this preview notice Andy. Those who know John and his work will read this with deep pastoral proft, and a great sense of admiration for one of our best Baptist theologians.


I'm looking forward to this. I'm not bi-polar, but I do struggle with many negative emotions - and I suspect John's insight will have something to say to me, too.

Beth Thomas

i am a bi-polar 2 Christian and have had to stop going to church because of the ill feeling amongst the understanding of the other parishioners, I am so sad and so happy and let people down i want to help but i struggle to fulfill any promises i make when i am manic and let people down and they see this as a weakness in me rather than an illness, a flaw in my personality, rather than that i truly meant to help but slid away from the world without a rope to grasp onto. I look forward to this book and its revelations. Thank you.

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