Editorial: Calvin amongst the Systematicians? - Stephen R. Holmes
From Calvin to Gillespie on Covenant: Mythological Excess or an Exercise in Doctrinal Development? - Carl Trueman
Union and Communion: Calvin's Theology of Word and Sacrament - Michael S. Horton
Imputation as Attribution: Union with Christ, Reification and Justification as Declarative Word - Mark C. Garcia
John Calvin's Soteriology: On the Multifaceted 'Sum' of the Gospel - J. Todd Billings
A Mirror for God and for Us: Christology and Exegesis in Calvin's Doctrine of Election - David Gibson
'Deny Yourself and Take up Your Cross': John Calvin on the Christian Life - Randall C. Zachman
Paul D. Molnar reviews Barth and Schleiermacher on the Doctrine of Election: A Systematic-Theological Comparison – By Matthias Gockel
Mike Higton reviews Christology in Cultural Perspective: Marking out the Horizons – By Colin Greene
Rick Elgendy reviews Being Consumed: Economics and Christian Desire – By William T. Cavanaugh
Christopher Holmes reviews Authentic Faith: Bonhoeffer's Theological Ethics in Context – By Heinz Eduard Tödt