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February 12, 2009



I hope these will be published or available to download.

Jim Gordon

My admiration for David Fergusson derives from a friendship started in Aberdeen, his role as my Doctoral supervisor, his rapidly accruing list of prestigious Lecture series, and the unfussy sharpness of his theological insight. The Giffords were learned, clear and at times even fun. His work on providence has been a project of some years now so when the book comes out it will automatically find itself in the amazon shopping basket!
Hope your own theological explorations and training are going well, Andy.


Do you know when the book's due out, Jim?

Jim Gordon

My guess is at least a year after they are delivered - but that depends - the Bampton's took a while and the Giffords aren't out yet nearly a year on. So the Warfields? In the providence of God.......... :-)


Thanks, Jim. I actually thought you meant he had another book on providence coming out any time now! But I'll still look forward to the Warfields being made available.

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