Studies in Christian Ethics will now have 4 editions a year. This edition is the first publishing papers from the September 2008 SSCC on the Sermon on the Mount. The next edition will see the other papers.
Usus Gratiae: How Am I to Hear the Sermon on the Mount?
Susan Frank Parsons
Prayer and Morality in the Sermon on the Mount
Oliver O'Donovan
Rain on the Just and the Unjust: the Challenge of Indiscriminate Divine Love
Jennifer A. Herdt
The Sermon on the Mount and Political Ethics
John Battle
The Sermon on the Mount as Realistic Disclosure of Solid Ground
Glen H. Stassen
Reading the Sermon on the Mount in an Age of Ecological Catastrophe
Richard Bauckham
Review Article: A Closer walk on the Wild Side: Some Comments on Charles Taylor's A Secular Age:
John Milbank
Reviews include
Christopher Roberts, Creation and Covenant: The Significance of Sexual Difference in the Moral Theology of Marriage (New York: T&T Clark International, 2007) reviewed by Mark Thiessen Nation
Jason Byassee, Praise Seeking Understanding: Reading the Psalms with Augustine (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2007) reviewed by Brian Brock
John Swinton and Brian Brock (eds), Theology, Disability and the New Genetics: Why Science Needs the Church (London: Continuum/T&T Clark, 2007) reviewed by Amos Yong
John Kelsay, Arguing the Just War in Islam (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007) reviewed by Nigel Biggar