The Infinity of God in the Biblical Theolgy of Denys the Areopagite - Dennis Hou
Ressourcing the Father? A Critical Analysis of Catherine Mowry LaCugna's Appropriation of the Trinitarian Theology of the Cappadocian Fathers - Charles D. Raith II
Dante, Bunyan and the Case for a Protestant Aesthetics - William A. Dryness
The Imago Dei and Election: Reading Genesis 1:26-28 and the Old Testament Scholarship with Karl Barth - Nathan MacDonald
Body, Soul, and (Holy) Spirit: Karl Barth's Theological Framework for Understanding Human Ontology - Marc Cortez
Book reviews include Iain Taylor's Pannenberg on the Triune God (T & T Clark), John Swinton's Raging with Compassion (Eerdmans) and Stanley Hauerwas' The State of the University (Blackwell)