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June 07, 2008



Yes, I always found it odd in my church how the scheduled worship blocks were pretty much non-negotiable parts of a service, but if they overran, then the Eucharist was dispensible... as if the Eucharist was not worship!


Hmmm...it seems to me that you are reactionary against many of the problems in contemporary worship settings. The solution, I think, is not to go after the position of the worship leader in principle. The worship leader position is a biblical extension of the chief of musicians described in the OT. Practically, someone must be up front to assist in leading singing. If he/she is over-the-top, irreverent, attention hungry, or cheesy, that is his problem and doesn't mean we have no need for worship leaders. The term worship leader does not mean that Christ has been displaced.

ray valdez

Indeed. As one who has been given that title, I have always found it uncomfortable. Indeed Christ is the ultimate leader of our worship and it is though him as our High Priest that our worship reaches the throne of God.

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