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March 17, 2008



Andy, that's a great adaptation of what we did - i especially like the slices of lemon! I'll borrow that idea next time I do it...


Thanks so much for posting this. It's given me lots of ideas. Will come back and look at the rest of your blog later. Good luck with the move to Oxford - who knows might even see you there one day, I have fond memories of REgents Park, it's a good place.

Anne Paer

This is my kind of service.........full of meaning, but with all the sights, sounds, even tastes! You have to internalise....you couldn't just sit and let it wash over you! I hope to use it as the basis for a service in Kendal this year. Is that OK?

Andy Goodliff

I'm happy for people to use it ...

Kim Fast

We are planning to use this for Good Friday this year too. I'm confused about the sound cues at the end of Part 6. Music ‘Minas Morgul’ - Howard Shore, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King [track 6, fade up, track five, 0.43min stop] Can you explain with more details? Thanks - so appreciate this being shared.


We are going to use this for our Maundy Thursday service and would like to give you credit for the information we are using. What is the name of the church/city where you are from?


Andy Goodliff

I'm currently the minister of Belle Vue Baptist Church, Southend.


Thank you! I found this via Maggi when looking for Tenebrae readings, and tweaked and used your readings script for a service I led last night, using a mixture of secular and sacred music - a first for here (both the Tenebrae and the secular music I think!) Thanks so much for your help!

Rev Jeff

This looks really excellent - am planning to use it on Thursday. God bless you!

Rowena Wilding

My word, this looks familiar. Brings back some fond memories :)

Lynn Davidson

Hi Andy,

I used this at our Maundy Thursday service and have had some really positive feedback.


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