‘Deus Habet Consilium’—
An International Conference on the Career and Prospects of Providence in Modern Theology
7-9 January 2008, King's College, University of Aberdeen
This conference aims to break fresh ground in the analysis of divine providence by exploring a range of current proposals concerning its form, significance and viability within contemporary thought.
The character and interrelation of divine and human agency lies at the contested heart of modern theology. Since the Enlightenment, the classical doctrine of providence has been aggressively criticised within both theology and philosophy. Following on the cross-fertilization of early-modern eschatologies and the doctrine of providence, the idea of providence did not so much go into decline as migrate into secularized forms. In light of the divergence of such humanistic approaches from classical theological conceptions of providence, contemporary restatements of the idea require careful consideration: what exactly is to be recovered? A metaphysical account of the doctrine grounded in divine omnipotence? A thoroughly historicized notion of providence? Or, perhaps something altogether different? By inviting scholars to examine the development of the idea of providence within intellectual history, the axial role of providence in modern systematic theologies, and the reformulation of the classical idea of providence after Hegel, we hope to advance the frontiers of investigation of the doctrine of providence at the present juncture.
Sarah Coakley "Providence and the Evolutionary Phenomenon of Cooperation: A systematic proposal"
David Bentley Hart "Providence and Ontological Causality"
Nicholas Healy "Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook? Predestination and providence in Thomas Aquinas and Hans Urs von Balthasar"
Andrew McGowan "Providence and Common Grace: A Reformed perspective"
Alister McGrath "The secularization of providence: Theological reflections on the concept of 'natural selection' in recent atheist apologetics"
Charles Mathewes "Providence and Political Discernment"
Francesca Murphy "The Question of Providence in I Samuel"
Susan Neiman "Providence and the Problem of Evil from Nietzsche to Heidegger"
Cyril O'Regan "Hegelian Theodicy and the Invisibility of Waste"
Hans Reinders "Providence and Ethics"
Katherine Sonderegger "The Pattern of Divine Providence"
John Swinton "Patience and Providence: Living gently in the presence of evil"
Stephen Webb "Providence After Darwin: Historical reflections on evolution and natural evil"
John Webster "Upholding the Universe by his Word of Power: On the theology of providence"
Philip Ziegler "History without Apocalypse: The transformation of providence in pragmatic historicism"
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