theologian. blogger. anglican. student of colin gunton. describes gunton, john zizioulas and robert jenson has big influences. author of the eschatological economy: time and the hospitality of God (2006, eerdmans) and editor of the theology of john zizioulas: personhood and church (2007, ashgate). passionate about theology that serves the church. passionate about theology in london.
Other selected publications:
'John Zizoulas on the Eschatology of the Person' in The Future as God's Gift: Explorations in Christian Eschatology, pp.189-198, eds. David Fergusson and Marcel Sarot (2000, T & T Clark)
'Jenson on Time' in Trinity, Time, and the Church: A Response to the Theology of Robert W. Jenson, pp.71-79, ed. Colin Gunton (2000, Eerdmans)
'From Metaphor to Mediation: Colin Gunton and the concept of mediation' in Neue Zeitschrift fur Systematische Theologie and Religionphilosophie 43:118-136 (2001) (a paper given on the occasion of Colin Gunton's 60th birthday)
'The Confession of the Son' in The Person of Christ, eds. Stephen Holmes & Murray Rae (2005, T & T Clark)
'The Spirit and Persons in the Liturgy' in The Theology of John Zizoulas: Personhood and the Church, pp.183-198, ed. Douglas Knight (2007, Ashgate)
The Eschatological Economy is a fantastic and ambitious book and well worth reading. It begins with:
This book invites you to hear what Christian theology has to say to the contemporary world. Christian theology is the creature of the Church, and the Church is the creature of God. When the Church lives out of the tradition it has received, and passes on the good things of that tradition, it has something to say about the world. It speaks theologically when it offers coherent and public talk about God and man. The Church has a more generous definition of the world than our contemporary world has of itself. Theology has a more sophisticated idea of time than does the surrounding world. It talks about time in order to say that the world is not yet settled, and will not be settled until it is established in relationship with God. We raise the subject of time to draw our attention to the way things come and go, and to remind us to be realistic in estimating what we know about them. Eschatology is the Church’s term for this form of self-control. (you can read the rest of the introduction here)
It reminds me of the writing style of John Webster and like Webster, Douglas is concerned primarily with christian doctrine, with the science of theology, although as I've said above, theology that serves, encourages and challenges the church to be more faithful.
I just stumbled across some of the latest websites delineating some of the activities at Spurgeon`s College - visiting lecturers etc. I was a student at college 1949 - 53
(Amies Batch). I am now retired but am still theologically literate and sane. Give greetings to Principal, lecturers, and the students of the house. Note new address:
Ron Armstrong
10 South Dewar St
Dunfermline, Fife
KY12 8AR
Posted by: Ron Armstrong | September 11, 2007 at 09:10 PM