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April 25, 2007



I personally would encourage it. i started doing my Theology degree in September, and since then I've studied Judaism properly for the first time. I also did Islam a bit for GCSE and A-level, but school education is pretty poor. For my Sociology of Religion module, we visited the Krishna temple in Soho, and I spent 2 months in India and Nepal last year, in which i visited many Hindu and Buddhist temples.

I think doing all these things has broadened my attitude toward other religions. My home church is rather Evangelical, and probably wouldn't let their youth go to, for example, the local Mosque.

I think, though, that it is only when we understand, in a real way, what religions are about, we can begin to shed our prejudices, and engage with them in real terms. I think that's simply about being good citizens in the world, and, as Christians, I'd hope we could do that.

I'm sure some groups would worry about losing children to more exotic religions, but that betrays quite a lack of confidence, both in the faith of their young people, and in their own teaching.

andy goodliff

Ash, thanks for this, it's a very helpful way of putting it.


I would certainly encourage it too for all the reasons outlined above. Are you going to make a visit somewhere?

Andy Goodliff

We're planning a visit to a sikh gurdwara


hey I might be joining in 4 years too late but....

I would do it. We need to be teaching our young people about engagement, not segregation. I love the verses in John 19 where Pilate goes back into his royal palaces, because he was afraid. (v8-9)

Fear keeps us indoors, in our safe little churches, confidence in who we are in Christ and in what we have got to offer by being FRIENDS with and RESPECTING others who have different beliefs from ours.

I'm with Miroslav Volf, religious pluralism is a good thing because it allows us to show who we are by how we live, love and serve.

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