I seem to be forever talking about new books these days, but I won't apologise because 2007 is proving a great year for books on theology. The Theology of John Zizioulas: Personhood and Church is a collection of critical essays edited by Douglas Knight on the theology of John Zizioulas. John Zizioulas is a great theologian known in the English-speaking world mostly for Being As Communion, and the more recent Communion and Otherness. Douglas posts here the contents page and you can download the introduction by Douglas. Douglas' introduction operates as an overview of Zizioulas' theology, and also identifying the critical questions about his work and also Zizioulas' own questions to Western theology:
John Zizioulas’ charge is that Western theology represents a flight from communion to individualism, away from other people, and even from otherness as such. Western theology finds it difficult to understand freedom in any way other than as freedom from other people, so it assumes that living together involves giving up some measure of freedom. it cannot show that freedom is a god-given absolute that comes through relationship with all other persons in Christ. (p.6)