The Deep Church series from Paternoster as so far seen two books: Gospel Driven Church (by Ian Stackhouse) and Evangelicals and Tradition (D. H. Williams). The next book in the series has been eagerly awaited. An edited collection of essays by Andrew Walker and Luke Bretherton called Remembering Our Future: Explorations in Deep Church. Andrew Walker is Professor of Theology and Education at King's College London and author of the book about the house church movement Restoring the Kingdom and also Telling the Story. Remembering our Future examines and explores how many Christians are looking to the early church to help them express their faith and worship now. Luke Bretherton (also a lecturer in theology and ministry at King's and co-editor) has two chapters in the book called: 'Beyond the emerging church' and ‘Mundane holiness: the theology and spirituality of everyday life’. There might also be a chapter by Ben Quash called 'Deep calls to Deep: the practice of scriptural reasoning.' This sounds like it could a be really important book offering some theological discussion of the emerging church from a UK perspective. The phrase 'deep ecclesiology' is one that Andrew Jones and Brian McLaren have been using, so it will be interesting as Walker and other given their own perspective on what 'deep church' might look like.