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March 02, 2007



Andy - just finished The End of Memory - good stuff.


There's also a website on him with more links too.



I'm preaching through 1 Peter at the moment and found 'Soft Difference ...' versy stimulating.

Paul Tassler

This message is coming to you quite out of the blue - I truly wish it could come to you on a relational basis. We (Word of Life Church in Missouri) are hosting a unique conference for pastors and church leaders this August - THE FAITH & CULTURE CONFERENCE 2011 with MIROSLAV VOLF, at St. Malo Retreat Center in Allenspark, CO (August 29, 30 & 31). Conference topics will be about getting beyond the dead end of 'us vs. them' and how Christians should understand and relate to Muslims.

These Faith & Culture Conferences are normally attended by an eclectic mix of about 115 church leaders from a wide range of denominations. This is a multi-generational, international conference, and last year's speaker was with Dr. Eugene Peterson. As always there was plenty of great conversation and energetic discourse.

Would be OK to send you information about the 2011 conference? We think this conference very well might be of interest to you and your friends.


Paul Tassler
Associate Pastor
Word of Life Church
St. Joseph, MO USA
816.233.6367 land line

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