systematic theologian. reformed theologian. trinitarian theologian. english theologian. lecturer in philosophy of religion at king's college london in 1969, and then lecturer in systematic theology in 1980. professor of christian doctrine king's college london 1984-2003. associate minister at brentwood URC church from 1975. born in 1941. died in may 2003. author of 14 books and editor or co-editor of 7. didsbury lecturer 1990 (see christ and creation), bampton lecturer 1992 (see the one, the three and the many, 1993). warfield lecturer 1993 (see a brief theology of revelation). visiting professor at the universities of kiel and copenhagan (1996 and 1997 respectively). helped recover the doctrine of the trinity and creation. fan of barth, jenson, zizioulas. founder of the research institute of systematic theology at king's. renowned expert on the theology of barth. didn't like augustine's theology much, but loved the theology of ireneaus and the cappadocian fathers. a minister in the united reformed church at brentwood URC. congregationalist. PhD from oxford. honorary doctorates from london (1993), aberdeen (1999) and oxford (2003). started the international journal for systematic theology in 1999 with john webster and ralph de colle. husband and father. influential on the shape of british theology. long-standing member of the society for the study of theology. wrote on every major theological topic - doctrine of God (becoming and being), trinity (promise of trinitarian theology, father, son & holy spirit), atonement (the actuality of atonement), christology (yesterday and today, christ and creation), creation (the triune creator), doctrine of the Holy Spirit (theology through the theologians), the church (on being the church) and the sacraments, preaching (theology as preaching, theologian as preacher), revelation (a brief theology of revelation), eschatology, anthropology, imago Dei. 'the most significant english theologian of his generation' (mccormack, trinitarian soundings). 'theology was exciting when colin was around because it excited him so and his excitement was contagious' (mccormack, trinitarian soundings).
for more see colin gunton's short essay 'theology in communion' in shaping a theological mind (ashgate, 2002), the foreword by bruce mccormack and the afterword by robert jenson in trinitarian soundings, 2005. see also steve holmes' obitituary in the guardian and introduction to theologian as preacher.