theologian. christian ethicist. pacifist. methodist. texan. american. professor of theological ethics at duke university since 1984. challenges religious platitudes. PhD in christian ethics from yale. DD from edinburgh. gifford lecturer at st. andrew's. was called america's best theologian by Time magazine in 2001. his book a community of character was named one of the 100 most important books on religion of the 20th century. taught at the university of notre dame from 1970-84. born in 1940. prolific, provocative and a polemicist. critic of american politics and morality. prophetic. author of over 22 books and of numerous articles. son of a bricklayer. fan of john howard yoder and pope john paul II. accused of being a sectarian. father and husband. 'shy of the thorough systematic ordering of theology' (wells, transforming fate into destiny, 1998). his theological journey moves from quandary to character, character to story, story to community, and finally from community to church (according to wells, transforming fate). believes the virtues and narrative are important for christian ethics. has written on a diverse range of topics from sex, abortion, war, disability, homosexuality, punishment, the family, courage, old age, postmodernity, worship, watership down, suffering, bonhoeffer, the church, non-violent terrorism, the bible, barth, september 11, and Jesus. he says 'I have never sought to justify Christian withdrawal from social and polictical involvement; I have just wanted us to be involved as Christians' (A Better Hope, 2001)
for more see 'stan the man: a throughly biased account of a completely unobjective person' by william cavanaugh (in The Hauerwas Reader, 2000), 'stanley hauerwas: where would we be without him' by mark thiessen nation (in Faithfulness and Fortitude, 2000), 'engaging stanley hauerwas' by l. gregory jones, reinhard hutter and c. rosalee velloso ewell (in God, Truth and Witness, 2005) and the many prefaces and introductions to hauerwas' many books.
I am looking for the syllabus from Hauerwas's Bonhoeffer/Yoder Seminar that he taught in 2005-2006. Do you know anyone who might have it? Hauerwas himself doesn't have a copy. I am going to read that material with Hauerwas this semester in a reading course.
Andy Rowell
Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) Student
Duke Divinity School
Durham, North Carolina
Email: [email protected]
Blog: Church Leadership Conversations
Posted by: Andy Rowell | January 15, 2009 at 10:23 PM
Sorry, I can't help. Does Hauerwas or a secretary not have a list of who attended in 05-06?
Posted by: andy goodliff | January 16, 2009 at 11:14 AM