Looking Back on 2006 ...
Top 5 Posts
1. Bible Study and Scripture Reading
2. Should churches employ youthworkers?
3. british baptist theologians series
4. why stanley hauerwas gets me into trouble
5. evangelical and evangelicism
Top 5 Books
1. God's Companions
2. Face to Face
3. Tracks and Traces
4. Practicing Passion
5. Contemplative Youth Ministry
Top 5 Films
1. Liitle Miss Sunshine
2. The Inconvenient Truth
3. The Prestige
4. Munich
5. Syriana
Top 5 TV
1. Studio 60
2. Lost
3. The Root of all Evil?
4. The War of the World: A New 20th Century History
5. Prison Break
Top 5 Trips
1. Paris
2. Holy Island
3. Ben Nevis
4. Greenbelt
5. Baptists doing theology consultation
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