I'm not an Anglican, but I like and support Archbishop Rowan Williams. In the face of lots of recent criticism and rumours of him resigning in 2008 (hopefully unfounded), I think he is an excellent Christian leader. In fact with the likes of John Sentamu and Tom Wright as well, the leadership of the Church of England is in a good place. Rowan Williams is not a man you can reduce to the soundbite, which means he's not as media friendly as some would like him to be. I like this, in an era of the shallow soundbite - see the politics of Blair, Bush, Cameron, etc - I welcome someone who makes an actual argument and recognises both sides of a debate. I think the partnership of him and Sentamu is a good and well-balanced one. I remember Tom Wright saying in a conversation that Rowan Williams is a deeply humble man. The two times I've heard him speak - once in conversation with the children's author and atheist Philip Pullman and once talking with his wife on children's literature - leave you in know doubt about the wisdom of the man. Rowan Williams is able to speak on wide variety of topics - just see the range of his speeches on the Archbishop of Canterbury website. Hang on in there Rowan!
I'm a fan, too. :0)
Posted by: Kyle | November 28, 2006 at 01:19 PM
Good post but . . .
the rumours of RW's resignation in 2008 are wholly unfounded and where started by Jonathan Petre the second rate hack that the Daily Telegraph employs as their "Religious Affairs correspondent". In the absence of any real understanding of what is going on, the only way he can get stories into the paper is by creating dramatic headlines - as Stephen Bates of the Guardian and Ruth Gledhill of The Times have sinced admitted they were then under-pressure from their Editors to run just in case it was a real story. Ruth was pulled out of a parent evening at her sons school and had 1/2 hour to decide whether to run the story or not. That's the way the press runs today which is why we get such shoddy reporting! Your comment about the balance between Sentamu and RW is absolutely right - it has the makings of one of the great partnerships. While I can think of a few weak links (won't name them)I think that we have perhaps got the best bench of bishops in my 28 years of ministry in the Church of England - what is most exciting is the wide range of interests and the balance between evangelical and catholic appointments and with a deep commitment to being a missional church.The really good thing is that some of the assistant bishops and senior clergy (who will be the next generation of Diocesans)is potentially even better - and there are some great Cathedral appointments happening as well - John Hall (a former boss of mine) will be a blast at Westminster Abbey both handling what is expected for potentially the next coronation but also introducing new possibilities - he is both both very creative and a consumate ecclesiastical politician as had been shown in his time as Chrief Education Officer for the Church of England - a role which now has the profile which he almost single-handedly has created.
It's exciting times . . .
Posted by: Tom | November 28, 2006 at 07:12 PM
Hi Andy,
Thanks for leaving the comment on my blog re. children. I've had a scan of some of your posts - you're definitely scratching where I'm itching! I'm not starting the project until January, but once I do perhaps we could get together and talk>
God bless.
Posted by: Marcus Bull | November 30, 2006 at 07:38 PM