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October 08, 2006


wagih abdelmassih

I am very sorry to hear that Douglas McBain died. He played a huge part to let the London Arabic Evangelical Church exist.
I personally was blessed through this man, he was a real encouragement to my family as well as my church. I am looking forwared to see him in heaven.

The swifts

Douglas Mcbain was my granddad and i will miss him tremendously. He was a great dad to my mum. We will always love and miss him. It's really supportive to hear how he was loved by so many other people

Beth Swain

Douglas (Mac to me) was my 1st pastor when I arrived in the UK back in 1974. I'd come over from Sydney, Australia to travel and ended up getting married to Brian, Mac's assistant pastor in 1975. Douglas was my surrogate father, both in the physical sense and the spiritual sense. He became a great friend and pastor and we still mourn his passing to Glory. I'm so glad we will see him again in heaven.
We remember his family in our prayers. May he rest in peace.
Brian & Beth Swain

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